
Showing posts from 2016

Why Donald Trump - The U.S.A. election results.

The free world seems stunned by Donald Trumps big win here in the U.S.A.  If you are one of the "stunned ones,"  perhaps you have been following all the rhetoric concerning our new President-elect, Donald Trump. I'm just a regular person, probably a lot like you.  I'll give you my take on this election and maybe you'll understand a little better how this enigma occurred. Americans come from everywhere.  Some of us can trace our families entrance to this great land back before it was a nation.  Most people arrived on these shores with the hope of having a new start. Our amazing government and freedoms to rise as high as any individual would wish to rise was birthed from those desires and hopes for freedom. Like any government over the centuries, our government has become corrupt.  Run by narcissist, interested only in what they can get for themselves.  However, we the people, don't see them as our rulers but as our servants.  By and ...

The Little Jewish Village That Makes Obama Boil

The Little Jewish Village That Makes Obama Boil

From the encroachment of Globalism to the invasion of the Occult - a must listen program from Jan Markel

Image Jan Markel is a great defender of the faith.  If you've never listened to her programs, visit her archives.  Today's program is a must hear.

Not voting, Christian? Standing on your moral high ground? Might want to rethink your position!

Voting is already taking place all over this nation! And we just have 21 days left to wrap up the next President. So many people are claiming that they will stand down and not vote on moral high ground. It puts me in mind of Matthew 22:20-22 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22 When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. Now the context of this passage was a response to the Pharisees who were constantly trying to catch Jesus breaking the Jewish Law so they could have him killed. I consider my right to vote to be rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Anyone who knows even a thimble full of history will recall that Caesar (whichever Caesar was Caesar at the moment) considered himself to be a god. ...

Psalm 12 - The Faithful Have Vanished - A Rapture Psalm

            Psalm 12 - The Faithful Have Vanished 1. Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful have vanished from among the children of man. 2. Everyone utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak. 3. May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that makes great boast, 4. those who say, "with our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is master over us?" 5. "Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise," says the Lord; "I will place him in the safety for which he longs." 6. The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times. 7. You, O Lord, will keep them; you will guard us from this generation forever. 8. On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man.   One day ...

Deplorable and a CINO (Christian in Name Only) all because I'm voting for Trump!

After reading a blog yesterday that informed me - if I voted for Donald Trump - I was a CINO (Christian in name only) and that I have abandoned my biblical prin ciples . . . So, that put me in thought of God's list of deplorables, those He used in spite of their sinfulness and short comings. Eve, despite having eaten the forbidden fruit was promised that while the serpent's offspring would bruise the heel of her offspring her offspring would bruise the serpent's head - most theologians consider this the first promise of the Messiah/Saviour. Abram told Sarai to lie to the Egyptians and say that she was his sister. God made a covenant with Abraham, the benefits of which we all enjoy. Lot went and lived and did business in Sodom a city so wicked that God rescued Lot out of the city and then destroyed the city and all in the city. First thing that happened - Lot's daugthers got him drunk and took turns sleeping with him and both became pregnant by...

As a Christian, why am I voting for Trump?

As a Christian, why am I voting for Trump? According to God's Word, a Christian is the salt of the earth and the light of the world and if we lose our saltiness or hide our light - we have lost our value. While it is true that Satan may currently rule this world - he does not rule me, because I am not of this world and his rule is only for a short time. God has prewritten the history of this earth, so nothing is a shock to Him. Hillary, is a globalist - at the Tower of Babel God dispersed humanity to become many different nations - yes at the end there will be a one world global government but we're not there yet - so I feel compelled to vote against a globalist. Hillary is a staunch supporter of the slaughter of the unborn- God formed us in the womb and has plans for us and calls it a sin to murder anyone including our unborn children - so I feel compelled to vote against an abortion supporter. Hillary wants to jettison religion, cultural and tradition - God...

The Real Evil in Charlotte - Another Great Read from Sultan Knish

The Real Evil in Charlotte

Final thoughts from Deplorable points.

      I have some final thoughts from the Deplorable points - well technically, I doubt it, but . . . My intense 40 year interest in Bible Prophecy developed a keen interest in geo-political, economic and religious events around the world. 40 years has yielded an ever increasing awareness of how we have arrived at this point in time.   At the beginning of the 20th century Marxist began to infiltrate this country. They got into our education system, they got into our religious institutions, they infiltrated our government and now they are everywhere. In less than 100 years they have destroyed the Judeo-Christian value system in our country. They my friends are the reason perversion is a okay and you better keep your mouth shut! They my friends are the reason people with high moral standards are now scum of the earth! 50 years ago a moral person who refused to service a gay wedding ceremony would not have lost their business over their mor...

From the Basket of Deplorables

        I took this photo this summer in Gulf Shores, Alabama before I knew I was a "Deplorable."  I was there among all the other sun loving, beach loving Deplorables waiting in long lines to get seated at restaurants, swimming in the beautiful green waters, sunning or burning on the pristine white beaches, shopping and just generally enjoying a long awaited vacation.  Waiting in those long lines due to large family groups meeting at the Gulf to vacation.  You fall into conversations and get to know one another in that vacation sense.  There is a sense of camaraderie and the wish you could get to know people better.    There use to be a sense of family here in the U.S.  No, we didn't all believe the same things, attend the same churches, belong to the same political parties.  But we all had a sense that this wonderful form of government we have here would go on generation a...

Left Behind or Lead Astray - a sad commentary on the state of the church today.

Everything in this world is upside down including the church, which should be the one shining bright spot in all the world! The recent shootings of five Dallas police officers preceded by the death of two black men by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota have got the country in an uproar. The church is also in an uproar over many things.  The most recent for me is something I stumbled upon by accident, a new movie produced by Good Fight Ministries, "Left Behind or Led Astray." The trailer from this movie indicates that the content endeavors to prove that the teaching of a pre-trib rapture stems from occultic and demonic sources.  According to the trailer the pre-trib rapture theory was a new teaching developed in the 1800s by men of questionable character. I take exception to all these claims.  I had never even heard of these people named in the video until the last few years.  I hold my pre-trib views based on forty years of bible study.  I have...

The USA a complete mess - ever more looking up!

I love my country, but as a Christian I am only a sojourner here.  I like to think I'm patriotic and take advantage of and have benefited from the freedoms we enjoy in this country.  We are living in dark days and I know that the future of this once great nation is without hope as is all the nations of the world. The continual stream of shootings here in the U. S. are causing a hue and cry across the land to restrict our rights to bear arms according to the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Amendment 2 Right to Bear Arms   A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.       Pretty simple.  Of course, since this initial document our government's laws, legislation, regulations etc. have morphed into a huge convoluted structure impenetrable by the common man.     The attempt to legislate and mandate new laws t...

A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela

A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela Many conservatives in the US say they aren't going to vote for Donald Trump and so they aren't going to vote!  They in my personal opinion are simply insane along with those in the GOP elite who are literally campaigning AGAINST Trump.  Are they really going to vote for the liberal left democratic criminal running for POTUS!  Outrage is too mild a term for what I am experiencing emotionally! If you are a conservative who refuses to vote for Donald Trump - just go vote for Hilary and be prepared to eat your beloved pet sometime in the near future!

Examine Yourself to See if You are Truly Saved!!

I was not raised in a church that taught once saved always saved.  Therefore, the subject of eternal salvation has always been confusing.  This Blog was born out of a journey taken down the road of apostasy.  If you've read my first blogs, then you will know that God eventually confronted my husband and I with the truth of the various ministries we were following.  When confronted with biblical truths we ran as hard and as fast as we could away from everything in which we had been involved.  In fact, we were horrified and filled with remorse.  We felt that we had literally committed adultery and had betrayed our Lord and Savior.  It took us years to get over those feelings that we had betrayed Jesus.  We felt slimed.  Since then, we have been diligent to make sure we are not being deceived.  If someone states anything that we feel doesn't line up with God's Word - we go straight to God's Word and make a comparison.  If they fail t...

In the City of the Decadents

In the City of the Decadents I found this blog via John Haller's April 24, 2016 Prophecy Update.  It is incredibly insightful and speaks volumes to the herd mentality and the insanity it brings. Click on the title and it will take you straight to Daniel Greenfield's blog.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Hummingbird

The Wicked Can Never be Satisfied. The Days of Lot . . .

The problem with the truly wicked is that no matter how much you offer them, they only want more.  They have an insatiable desire for more wickedness. This is the account of the angels who came to Sodom to remove Lot and his family before God destroyed Sodom along with Gommorrah. Genesis 19:1-11 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom.  When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face to the earth 2 and said, "My lords, please turn aside to your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet.  Then you may rise up early and go on your way."  They said, "No; we will spend the night in the town square."  3 But he pressed them strongly; so they turned aside to him and entered his house.  And he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, ...

Are we there yet? Planet Earth in the Crosshairs. Noah and Lot Their Days are Here.

It is spring here in southeast Texas.  Our garden is coming alive.  Everywhere we look there is beauty and life.  We've planned our summer vacation.  We talk about the projects we need to complete this year.  We're working out and walking so we'll be in shape for the beach this summer.  Unfortunately, though, every single day we feel the ominous nearing of the destruction of this planet. In case you don't keep track April 2016 has been filled with many large earthquakes and at least five volcanic eruptions on the ring of fire.  There is chatter that the seismology data concerning Yellowstone was taken down earlier this month and that the activity in Yellowstone is ramping up for the eruption of a super volcano.  If you know your bible the earth will be destroyed by fire next time.  I recently heard there are currently 38 active volcanoes on planet earth.  That is a lot of fire. Several southern states have been threatened with...