Why Donald Trump - The U.S.A. election results.
The free world seems stunned by Donald Trumps big win here in the U.S.A. If you are one of the "stunned ones," perhaps you have been following all the rhetoric concerning our new President-elect, Donald Trump.
I'm just a regular person, probably a lot like you. I'll give you my take on this election and maybe you'll understand a little better how this enigma occurred.
Americans come from everywhere. Some of us can trace our families entrance to this great land back before it was a nation. Most people arrived on these shores with the hope of having a new start. Our amazing government and freedoms to rise as high as any individual would wish to rise was birthed from those desires and hopes for freedom.
Like any government over the centuries, our government has become corrupt. Run by narcissist, interested only in what they can get for themselves. However, we the people, don't see them as our rulers but as our servants. By and large they have forgotten who they are. The election of Donald Trump was a consensus of we the people; sending our leaders, our elected officials, the ones we chose to represent our desires - a resounding wake up call!
The large majority of we the people, ignored the rhetoric of the mainstream media, who isn't mainstream at all but a private club of talking heads. Their private club is so far removed from reality that we the people took to alternative media sources. We didn't believe their polls, we analyzed the sleaze and dirt they spattered the airwaves with concerning Donald Trump and we decided we could live with that. We watched and/or attended his large rallies and listened to what he had to say. He struck a cord with us. The minorities voted for him because they didn't believe he was racist. Everything could be googled - all the good, the bad and the ugly about both candidates. We looked at our own flaws and faced reality and we were okay with Donald speaking his mind. At least we knew what he was thinking.
So, here we are with a new POTUS waiting in the wings. And quite frankly, we can't wait to see the last POTUS leave the building.
Hopefully, we're going to be active during this entire administration. Hopefully, we're going to inundate our Congress with our demands. Demands for less regulations, less government, demands for their term limits and removal of their golden parachutes and all the largess they have devoted to themselves. Hopefully, we're going to make them put their retirement benefits back in the big kitty called Social Security that they have borrowed from over and over again. And what ever medical plans the rest of America has - well that's going to be theirs too. We're going to try and stop the bleeding of American dollars to foreign entities that hate our guts. And stop the immigration of people that want to kill us. We're going to try and make them quit spending our country into unpayable debt, which quite frankly, they've already done.
To all my fellow Americans - please let's work really hard, let's not go back to sleep, this is our last chance to salvage our country. Our last chance to stop the social carnage that is destroying the American Family. Our last chance to go back to a real education system that teaches math, science, technology - real things that are an asset. It's our last chance to throw out the indoctrination programs in our schools that are turning our children into robotic machines with no knowledge of our history and our heritage with a sexual agenda we don't agree with nor condone.
It's our last chance to bring civil order to our country and to stop the assassination of our police officers and rioting and looting in our streets.