"The Avengers" a page from the Book of Revelation

When John, the Disciple, of Jesus transcribed the Book of Revelation surely his mind was blown with what he was seeing. Modern humanity sees those scenes constantly on our various media devices. In fact, our technology attest to the reality of the Book of Revelaiton. It's no spiritualized allegory by any stretch of the imagination. While my husband and I watched "The Avengers" this weekend I was arrested at the sight of the portal opening and realized that is probably how all humanity will see the face of God on the great day of His wrath. In Revelation 6:14
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;. . .
it should be noted that heaven is singular in this verse. The question then is what exactly is heaven or the sky as it is used in this verse? As I have mentioned before there is another dimension inhabited by other beings, non-human beings. Reason would suggest that obviously there is some type of membrane or dimensional barrier. This barrier is difficult for humans to penetrate at least as long as we are encased in our mortal bodies. Obviously, the barrier can be breached if we go into a meditative state. I also believe, in a dream state, we are not only vulnerable to attack from the beings on the other side of that barrier but able to cross the barrier, howbeit, unintentionally. The beings on the other side of the membrane have the ability to cross it seemingly more easily than we. However, I believe they can only cross as licensed by God to do so. Rerurning to "The Avengers" it is obvious that Loki has allowed a demon hoard to come through the portal to subdue the people of Earth. Loki's army has two different types of soldiers. Chapter 9 of Revelation is the releasing of two demonic armies. The first army is like locust and they have the power to torment men for five months and men will be unable to die. Perhaps the inability to die may be due to biological enhancement by computer interface or simply because God denies them death. The second army however, is under the direction of the four angels who are currently bound at the Euphrates River and they will be allowed to kill one-third of humanity. This army also has a time frame of one year, one month, one day and one hour in which to slay those appointed to death. Loki personified the beast that shows up in Chapter 13 of Revelation. Loki's whole purpose in allowing the demon army through the portal is to gain for himself a planet of worshipful subjects. It has been postulated by some bible scholars that the anti-christ, the beast, of Revelation might be homosexual because it is stated in Daniel 11:37
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
Loki pretty much summed that up for us with his demand for worship in "The Avengers." I think scholars who put forth the notion that the antichrist is homosexual are just simply missing the big picture. The antichrist when he finally becomes inhabited by Satan himself will simply crave worship over everything else and will not care about sex. Besides, I believe Satan's entire goal has been and always will be to displace God from His throne and to destroy mankind and demean mankind in every perverse way possible. If anything the antichrist will be a total sexual deviant. I hardly think he would be the type to limit his sexual appetites to one narrow band. If you have already seen "The Avengers," then now would be a good time to read the Book of Revelation. If you haven't seen "The Avengers," then read Revelation before you go. Just like Loki was led away bound and captive so too, is the day coming when Satan shall be cast first into the bottomless pit bound in chains. Then again at the end of the millenial reign of Christ, Satan shall be cast forever into the lake of fire and brimstone. Today is the day of your salvation. Choose Jesus Christ.


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