Hollywood, the Temple of Diana & the Harlot Church

You can't read the 19th Chapter of Acts without considering modern day idolatry. That particular chapter in the new testament deals with many issues but the focus of my blog today is on the citizens of Ephesus who were very upset with the Apostle Paul. Paul's preaching of the gospel was converting many of the former worshippers of the Goddess Diana. Their conversion to the belief in Jesus Christ as the true Redeemer of mankind was cutting into the income of the silversmith, Demetrius, and others who made silver shrines for Diana. I begin to muse over modern day idolatry and I perceive there are two main sources, Hollywood and the Harlot Church. Please, know that I am a huge movie buff. My husband and I have well over 300 titles in our DVD library. Just last week I purchased Ghost Protocol and Jane Eyre. We saw "The Avengers" when we came back from vacation. We plan on seeing "MIB 3" and "Snow White and the Huntsman" on the big screen. To my EVERLASTING SHAME I was involved in the Harlot Church. When I am at the Judgment Seat of Christ and must give an account of my life of all my wretched sins that is the one I most dread being revealed. I have been forgiven and washed white as snow but I will be giving an accounting for my life actions that will result in my rewards (if any) and I don't know how that works exactly but that is my biggest shame. Trust me I've done what to most may seem a lot worse but being involved with the Harlot Church is the worse to me. Hollywood is a fountain of idolatry. Crazed fans swoon over the latest heartthrob of any movie. Be it man or be it woman -- or even animals. It is truly heartbreaking to watch sales of one breed of dog soar after a successful movie only to watch the abuse, neglect and filling up of animal shelters of that same breed a few months after the movie. The demands of a living, breathing animal don't live up to the fantasy created on the big screen. The poor dogs are out the door with no regard. The Bible actually has something to say about the treatment of animals in
Proverbs 12:10 A Righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
How have you been treating your animals lately? I think what is so pathetic (please note I am pathetic too) about idolizing Hollywood's stars is they are playing characters. They themselves are not the characters. Technically, people are worshipping something that does not exist!!!!!! And yet there is a God in Heaven who according to
II Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
A real God that ordained the day we would be born and wrote our DNA. The world needs such a reality check. I don't know much about the Harry Potter books but I do remember reading somewhere that children were going to a train station in London and trying to run through the wall so they could get to Hogwarts School. Why aren't todays children able to separate fact from fiction? Why are eight year old girls screaming for Robert Pattinson to bite them, he's not Edward Cullen, he's just a kid from England. We who inhabit the globe have all gone mad. The Harlot church is even worse than Hollywood. I would rather pay the price of a movie ticket and sit in a theater than attend one of the harlot churches. ALL CHURCHES ARE NOT HARLOTS but a true church is hard to find. Paul preached the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ with such power and authority that it was destroying the worship of Diana and those who benefited from that worship. Modern church has gotten on board with Hollywood. The modern church incorporates Hollywood type campaigns, using Hollywood clips, and Hollywood gimmicks to sell their church and fill their seats and fill their coffers. Have you googled the net worth of any mega pastor or mega ministry or TV ministry lately. Paul was a tentmaker and supported himself as he preached the gospel across the known world of his time. I don't see to many tentmakers in the ministries these days. They actually live like movie stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least movie stars make their money honestly. Many of todays preachers especially, tele-evangelist are hawking the gospel making promises they can't keep. Just this morning when I turned on my TV one popular tele-evangelist was having a membership drive offering a DVD on how to be blessed if you would just become a monthly partner with his ministry. According to Celebrity Net Worth, that particular tele-evangelist has a networth of $30,000,000. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is free. I would like to query you -- is your house built on Jesus Christ the Rock of our Salvation -- or is your house built on shifting sand.
There are good men out there telling the truth -- I am providing a link to one of those men concerning the Queen of Heaven and yes it has to do with Catholicism but please persevere till the end because he also deals with the protestant Harlots who Hawk the free Gospel at the expense of the poor, infirm, deceived, naive, whatever -- been there done that!! Scroll down to the Watchman Video Broadcast 05-12-12, The Queen of Heaven http://mikehoggard.com/


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