Red, White and Black - what's in a color scheme "breaking dawn" part 1
I have a decent intelligence but I consider myself extremely slow on the uptake!! and if you tell me a joke -- well I won't get it until next week.
It took me a while to lock into the color scheme in "breaking dawn" Part 1. But when I did immediately the red and white spoke to me. The towels were red and white. The couch in the solarium was white with pops of red flowers. Edward's bathing suit was red and Bella's was white. The chessmen were red and white. Edward played the red and Bella the white. The chessboard was black and white. Bella first wore a white shirt and black shorts, then she reversed the combination. The walls in the bedrooms were white with a contrasting red wall. There was a piece of abstract art in red and black. The couches in the main living area were white with red cushions.
What does this all mean. In the esoteric world black and white, yin and yang, absence of light, manifestation of light, constant tension for dominance. Red = dominance, sovereignty, the winner.
The morning after Edward and Bella consummate their love we see the bed canopy lying in a broken "x." As in the x - chromosome. Did you know that while the male sperm comes in both "x" and "y" when the "y" pairs with the female "x" chromosome the female's "x" chromosome is not only larger but it dominates the "y" chromosome. The broken "x" in their bed -- could that be representative of the breaking of the human genome by the fallen angels? The towels are stacked on the tub white - red - white -- representing the token of her virginity, the breaking of her maiden head.
Bella wears the black and white showing the struggle for dominance but Edward always plays the red chessmen and wears the red bathing suit.
Throughout their honeymoon there is the struggle for dominance with Edward being the victor, impregnating his human wife with demon seed. Later she once again climbs on his back in her white bathing suit and he jumps off the waterfall in his red bathing suit baptizing her into his lifestyle.
Repetitive themes just keep cropping up from movie to movie. Examples are the red matter in the newest addition to the "Star Trek" movies. Did anyone but me notice that the red matter and the last drops of Bella's blood being transformed were the same mechanics? The "Star Trek" cadets wear red uniforms. The cadets are a variety of not only humans but other strange "beings." Did anyone notice that the eyes of Heimdallr, the gatekeeper, in "Thor" are the same color as the "Cullen Clan" in "twilight" while the Frost Giants have red eyes like the vampires that feed on humans? Thor and Loki's battle at the BiFrost seems to construct what appears as an icy tree which mimics the frosted tree in the consultation between Bella and Carlisle in "breaking dawn Part 1," when he tells her there are even some things venom can't resolve. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Really, venom? When has venom ever resolved anything, it is poison. The red and white theme continues back at the Cullens with two more pieces of abstract art in red and white. A vase of red flowers on the coffee table next to the couch on which Bella spends most of her pregnancy. Edward sits down in front of a stack of books on the coffee table, the bottom of the stack is a book entitled "Vanishing Civilaztions." I'm pretty sure that is an oblique reference to human beings -- move over for hybrid super beings! The Rainbow Bridge in "Thor" reminds me of what a stream of data must look like when it courses through fiber optics. What about Odin's one eye -- the same as the all seeing eye atop the pyramid on our one dollar bill. Thor wears a red cloak and is cast from heaven in what appears to be some sort of lightning storm. Satan too will be cast from heaven like ligthning one day soon and wreck havoc on the earth. Perhaps, it happened at the early part of the 20th century when knowledge begin to increase.
We are being broadcast a message from a source beyond what we can see. The only way to decipher the message is through the Bible. Daniel was shown four major empires through time and what would happen at the end of the age. Daniel could not comprehend the message and asked its meaning but he was told
Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.Knowledge has certainly increased and modern society easily manipulates and deals with technology that even our parents (or at least mine who would both be in their 90s if they were living) could not have imagined much less Daniel! Wake up people there is an invasion coming. Do you really want to be here? Get your rapture ticket punched by the Blood of Jesus Christ while there is still time.