"The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn -- A Review
I have spent several months listening to all the reviews of this book and hearing of Jonathan Cahn's appearance on many Wolf Shows -- I am withdrawing my endorsement of this book -- I fell victim once again to my own ignorance. Please read my other posts on this book and you will see my progression. I'm really sorry for having lead anyone astray! And I am truly brokenhearted once again to see how easy it is to deceive a sheep like me.
Each day the earth completes one more rotation on her journey to the eve of destruction. There are many voices calling out the truth of this momentus time in which we live. Adam and Eve were at the beginning and here we are, their descendants, witnessing the ending. "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn, is one of those voices. The author uses the vehicle of a fictional novel to disseminate the true prophetic meanings of 9/11. I did find the repetitive nature of the dialogue tedious, but it was not a hard read. I think you will be astounded by the facts. If you are honest in your heart it will surely change your life and the way you perceive things. While, the author finishes on a note of hope, I believe we are in a time of the finishing of all things. I think the time of 2 Chronicles 7:14
Each day the earth completes one more rotation on her journey to the eve of destruction. There are many voices calling out the truth of this momentus time in which we live. Adam and Eve were at the beginning and here we are, their descendants, witnessing the ending. "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn, is one of those voices. The author uses the vehicle of a fictional novel to disseminate the true prophetic meanings of 9/11. I did find the repetitive nature of the dialogue tedious, but it was not a hard read. I think you will be astounded by the facts. If you are honest in your heart it will surely change your life and the way you perceive things. While, the author finishes on a note of hope, I believe we are in a time of the finishing of all things. I think the time of 2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.has passed. And that the true and only hope is for individual salvation through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, that will assure you a place in eternity. It should be noted that I was sad to see this book endorsed by Pat Robertson, Sid Roth and John Paul Jackson; all of whom I consider to be wolves in sheep clothing. However, their endorsement does not demean the importance of this work. I am not familar enough with Joseph Farah to determine his status other than he is the founder of World Net Daily. Disclaimer: I do not hold any man or woman on this planet with any high esteem. If they are honest and forthright I will give them the respect due and recommend them. I will not worship any man -- only God deserves my worship. All of mankind is in the same fallen state. All of mankind has a heart that is deceitfully wicked and all of mankinds' righteousness is a filthy rag. Only Jesus can redeem us. I follow Jesus Christ. I do not follow signs and wonder ministries or dream ministries. I believe the only thing we need is the Word of God as presented in the King James Bible and its message of redemption through Jesus Christ and foretelling of the future and its record of the past. The current day climate in many things that are called "Christian" are just gimmicks to seperate you from your money. I recommend "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn.
A link to a theologians review of "The Harbinger"