The Sly Volturi and Occult trifles of "The Twilight Saga"
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist." This is the feed-in to Derek and Sharon Gilberts radio show, PiD Radio. PiD is an acronym for Peering into the Darkness That line reminds me of the Volturi which of course is circuitous and leads right back to Satan.
"new moon" opens with Bella running in Volterra to save Edward from the Volturi. Volturi, the vampire kings, have created for themselves a perfect set-up. They have even made a holiday, "St. Marcus Day," to celebrate the safety of the city in which their vampire kingdom is seated. They make a mockery of their citizenry, leaving them feeling safe, while busing in their victims from other locations but never from Volterra. The Volturi operate safely from inside their realm while causing untold destruction to those sucked in by the bait. The bait the opportunity to see a fantastic edifice, off limits except for the tourists. Perhaps, even enticed with meeting the Volturi, royality in their own minds.
Satan works much the same way. Most would think the "church" would be the safest place from Satan. Many "churches" have become the seat of Satan disseminating lies that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Lies like everyone is going to Heaven, yet Jesus is very clear in John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
For more on this watch Joe Schimmel's video "The Real Roots of the Emergent Church"
The Volturi's chamber door looks like it is adorned in carved fish scales which reminds one of Dagon, the main god of the ancient Philistines (giants), represented as half man and half fish. The headdress of Catholic Priest also are representative of Dagon. Lord Macaulay's famous epic poem "Horatius" takes place in Volterra which by the way speaks of giants. Giants or hybrids, the offspring of fallen angels and mortal women. They just seem to crop up everywhere. Can we say "Renesmee."
The Volturi are simply put sly devils who think themselves invincible as indicated by their Latin motto "Sic semper erat, et sic semper erit." "Thus it has always been, and thus it will always be." The Volturi leave to fight another day at the end of "breaking dawn." Satan too will fight another day but then his day will be eternally done.
Now for other occult trifles in the "Twilight Saga." I was born in 1956 and grew up in the 60s. I was born in the Bible Belt on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. When I was growing up most children knew more about the Bible than they did about anything else, especially, anything occult. It wasn't until the last 5 years that I became aware that gemstones had occult meaning. Yes, I watched Disney's "The Shaggy Dog," where the Borgia ring caused a boy to shape shift but I made no connection between gemstones and the occult. "The Shaggy Dog" was just a piece of entertainment not a guide to shapeshifting.
There were several gemstones mentioned in "twilight" so I googled the occult meaning of gemstones and found the following information. Information that I felt fit right in with the story line.
Bella's favorite gemstone before meeting Edward was a garnet.
Garnet -aids in remembering dreams, for going backwards in time, attracts profound love, gives persistence, cures depression. Well, Bella; certainly had dreams about Edward, persistently pursued the truth about him and he became her profound love. Unfortunately, she surely suffered depression when he left her.
After officially meeting Edward the topaz became her favorite stone.
Topaz - for contacting astral beings, develops psychic abilities, gives glimpses of the beyond, overcomes fear of death, restores sense of taste, stimulates appetite, calms emotions, relieves tension, restores physical protection from falls and drowning, one can focus their desires through this stone, visual images in the mind are transformed into universal messages. Enables communication from other realms in the universe. It can be said that vampires could be considered astral beings, as we know Bella develops psychic abilities after being transformed and of course she was protected from her cliff diving which included a jump (or fall) and drowning. During "new moon" one is never sure if Edward's smoky appearances are actually communications from him to her or just in her mind. Bella of course focuses all her desire on seeing Edward no matter what dangers to herself that entails. Bella demonstrates no fear of death.
On page 230 of "twilight" Bella stated, "I suppose if you asked me in two weeks I'd say onyx,".
Onyx - protection, energy shield, used for grounding and centering oneself and meditative. Bella, was protected by Edward's super-human powers which could be said to be an energy shield. Bella herself has an energy shield in "breaking dawn" that she uses to protect those she loves from the attack of the Volturi. Bella is "good with weird" as Sam put it in the movie "new moon," grounded and centered would certainly apply.
Edward sparkled like diamonds on page 260 of "twilight" when he finally revealed himself to Bella in the sunlight.
Diamonds - attunement to higher forces. Bella assuredly draws all things supernatural to herself. I think supernatural beings can certainly be considered higher forces - though it should be noted in reality all "higher forces," supernatural beings, are subject to the Highest Force - God - the one and only unique God.
Finally, Jasper's name is a gemstone.
Jasper - balances the emotions, strengthens ones will to do good. Jasper's special gift was to control peoples emotions so they could be exploited. After meeting Alice, Jasper found the will to quit murdering people to satisfy his blood lust.
Once again I find occult signifigance in the trivia of "twilight." I have no idea if Stephenie Meyer's is versed in the occult meaning of gemstones or if this came from her channeler (kind of like a supernatural handler.) Just further proof that "twilight" is not of this world.
A few more notes for todays blog. I couldn't help but notice the apples in "twilight" one red and one green and later in "breaking dawn" during Bella's consultation with Carlisle, Edward is seen standing in front of a glass panel with the etching of a tree. The apples and the tree of course lead us right back to the garden where the fatal question was asked
Genesis 3:1 . . . And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and it's deadly fruit represented as an apple. An apple for Eve and an apple for Adam. The apples of "twilight" represent something else altogether. A red apple that Edward hands to Bella and a green apple Bella twist the stem.
Genesis 6:1-2 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Jude 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation,The apples in "twilight" represent the marriage between the fallen angels and mortal woman which produced the race of giants/hybrids. Once again I say "Renesmee." Finally, I have read a lot of comments on the quality of Stephenie Meyer's writing and have commented on it myself. It should be noted that I don't think Stephenie particulary cares about the comments of others as she laughs all the way to the bank. The woman is a multi-millionaire due to the "Twilight Saga." Would you care? With that said, I sincerely hope that one day Stephenie will encounter the true Christ, Jesus Christ of the King James Bible. Mormons serve another God. For more information on Mormonism watch this video.