From the Basket of Deplorables
I took this photo this summer in Gulf Shores, Alabama before I knew I was a "Deplorable." I was there among all the other sun loving, beach loving Deplorables waiting in long lines to get seated at restaurants, swimming in the beautiful green waters, sunning or burning on the pristine white beaches, shopping and just generally enjoying a long awaited vacation. Waiting in those long lines due to large family groups meeting at the Gulf to vacation. You fall into conversations and get to know one another in that vacation sense. There is a sense of camaraderie and the wish you could get to know people better.
There use to be a sense of family here in the U.S. No, we didn't all believe the same things, attend the same churches, belong to the same political parties. But we all had a sense that this wonderful form of government we have here would go on generation after generation. We thought the U.S.A. had the best and most powerful military that stood against injustice and fought for freedom. Our golden shores held the promise of the most wonderful life, where hard work could take any human being as high as they wanted to go. The opportunities were endless.
Hysterically, horribly, all that has gone awry. Russia seems to be the new arbiter of peace negotiations in the most dangerous region in the world. And the U.S. has been sidelined like a little puppy being paper trained. Our political season is the most outrageous ever and one of the candidates is missing in action, rumored to have a body double and rumored to be dead. We Americans are just sitting here thinking "What in the world is going on??"
The following are from my Face Book Page after I found out I was a deplorable. Hope you will follow the rabbit trail and attempt to ferret out what truth you can.
From the basket of "The Deplorables" - 1st so I'm a racist? Let it be known that it was the Republicans who came to the South after the Civil War and helped the freed slaves start life as FREE MEN and WOMEN and CHILDREN and any Southerner that helped was a SCALAWAG. As soon as the KKK and other white Southerners who resented the new free status of the former slaves could get rid of the Republicans they went to war on the Blacks of the South. The next what, 100 years, the SOUTH was RULED by DEMOCRATS. Democrats that spent their time taking everything Reconstruction had given the Southern Black persons. And if they couldn't take it from them, then they murdered them one way or another.
So why is Hillary Clinton not a racist when her friend and mentor was Senator Robert Byrd? Don't fool yourselves, the Democratic Party is still ruled by the "good old boy racist."
From the Basket of Deplorables - 2nd - So, I'm a sexist. Personally, I'm not a sexist. I've known good men and women, bad men and women. I've known men who hate women and view them as sex objects and women who hate men and view them as sex objects. They cross all political parties. So, is Hillary actually standing there insinuating that no sexist belong to the Democrat Party the bastion of men hating feminist? And Hillary herself has supported her sexist husband, Bill, through all his sexual escapades. Hillary is the epitome of the POT calling the Kettle Black.
From the Basket of the Deplorables - 3rd - so I'm Homophobic, I'm not Homophobic - why? Because there is no such thing as being Homophobic.
One can only be Heterophobic, the first two people on the planet were male and female and we all descend from that gene pool. Ergo, heterosexual was here first and anything else is in fear of being heterosexual. The LBGT people I do know, or run into I treat them the same way I treat anyone else. And I sure don't take money from people who kill them!
From the Basket of Deplorables - 4th - So, I'm a xenophobe. I'm not a xenophobe. I find meeting foreigners exciting. I've had friends from Jamaica, Jordan, Pakistan, Germany, Puerto Rico, our new neighbors are a Spainard married to a Nicaraguan and we went over yesterday to meet his parents visitng from Spain. I took French and Spainish and my German friend tried to teach me a little German.
But I will tell you who has been considered xenophobic a time or two . . .
From the Basket of Deplorables - 5th - So, I'm Islamaphobic - no I am not for the simple reason that I serve the true God, The Lord God Jehovah, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I therefore, do not fear the false mediocre moon "god" of Islam.
However, I am also not stupid! I plainly see the Jihad going on in the USA through unrestrained immigration of Muslims, through teaching Islam in our schools. Yes, children are learning the Islamic call to prayer but can't be taught the Lord's Prayer in our schools. Schools that our taxpayer dollars fund. Slowly, Sharia Law is making its way into our court systems against our U.S. Constitution. Not to mention the outright acts of Jihad through terrorist shootings and bombings.
But I do know someone who from time to time shows her Islamaphobia . . .
From the Basket of Deplorables - 6th and Final - So, I'm irredeemable. Actually, I've already been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
Last time I looked God was the only source of true redeemption through His only legitimate sacrifice that takes away sin - Jesus Christ, His Son, God in the Flesh.
Hillary Clinton's audacity to pronounce a portion of the population as irredeemable, demonstrates an astounding arrogance beyond belief. The same arrogance that stated we needed to let go of our culture, traditions and religion so we could make killing the unborn completely unchallenged.
Despite Hillary Clinton's obvious disgust with people who hold to a Judeo-Christian mindset, one which she claims but seems always to be against, even Hillary can be redeemed. As long as breath is in the body there is always hope for redeemption.
May God have mercy on our Country that has come so far away from Him and His Written Word.