Final thoughts from Deplorable points.
I have some final thoughts from the Deplorable points - well technically, I doubt it, but . . . My intense 40 year interest in Bible Prophecy developed a keen interest in geo-political, economic and religious events around the world. 40 years has yielded an ever increasing awareness of how we have arrived at this point in time.
At the beginning of the 20th century Marxist began to infiltrate this country. They got into our education system, they got into our religious institutions, they infiltrated our government and now they are everywhere. In less than 100 years they have destroyed the Judeo-Christian value system in our country. They my friends are the reason perversion is a okay and you better keep your mouth shut! They my friends are the reason people with high moral standards are now scum of the earth! 50 years ago a moral person who refused to service a gay wedding ceremony would not have lost their business over their moral standards. 50 years ago there were no gay wedding ceremonies. Anywhere to my knowledge.
Here we are at the beginning of the 21st century, Jihadist are infiltrating this country. Jihad is infiltrating our education system, Jihad is sneaking into our religious institutions in the form of Chrislam and we all serve the same God. Jihad is infiltrating our government with a push to allow Sharia law to take precedence over the U.S. Constitution in Muslim communities here in the good old U.S.A.
What will our country look like in another 100 years? That is very simple, there won't be the country we grew up in, there won't be the U.S.A.
Don't believe me. Well I don't know about your grandparents but my grandparents would be rolling over in their graves to know the possibility of intentionally murdering their grandchildren in the womb existed and was sanctioned by the government. My grandparents would be rolling over in their graves to know that any of their grandchildren would choose to live a life of perversion and could get legally married with the sanction of the government. My grandparents would roll over in their graves if they attended a modern day church with no preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but just some feel good message about how to have your better life now. My grandparents would roll over in their graves if they knew their grandchildren were being taught sexual perversion in grammar school and came out of college hating capitalism, the U.S. and embracing Marxism, Communism and Socialism.
So, trust me when I say, the America we grew up in will not exist in even 30 years in my humble opinion if we don't do something now.
But honestly, I think the date with God's wrath this planet has is looming on the horizon. So, I hope that within 30 years we will be in the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.
The sun is setting on this earth as we know it, make sure you know where you will spend the Millennial Reign followed by Eternity!
Yeah Lord Come!