Deplorable and a CINO (Christian in Name Only) all because I'm voting for Trump!

After reading a blog yesterday that informed me - if I voted for Donald Trump - I was a CINO (Christian in name only) and that I have abandoned my biblical principles . . .

So, that put me in thought of God's list of deplorables, those He used in spite of their sinfulness and short comings.

Eve, despite having eaten the forbidden fruit was promised that while the serpent's offspring would bruise the heel of her offspring her offspring would bruise the serpent's head - most theologians consider this the first promise of the Messiah/Saviour.

Abram told Sarai to lie to the Egyptians and say that she was his sister. God made a covenant with Abraham, the benefits of which we all enjoy.

Lot went and lived and did business in Sodom a city so wicked that God rescued Lot out of the city and then destroyed the city and all in the city. First thing that happened - Lot's daugthers got him drunk and took turns sleeping with him and both became pregnant by their father without his consent or knowledge, drunk would be the operative word. Peter called Lot a righteous man.

Jacob and Rebekah conspire to steal the blessing from Esau, after Jacob had already purchased his birthright. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and made the nation of Israel from him, the nation which would birth the Messiah.

And wow just go down the list of Jacob's sons and see all the sins they committed from selling their brother into slavery and telling their father he died by wild beast - to Reuben sleeping with one of Jacob's wives. God still went on to make them a great nation.

Rahab the harlot - prostitute is in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Moses killed the Egyptian and fled to the desert. And God commissioned him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And let's not even begin to talk about Moses going up on the mountain to meet with God.

David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had Uriah sent to the front for certain death to hide his crime. God promised David that one of his descendants would be the Messiah.

Jonah got mad because the Ninevites repented and escaped God's judgment.

Solomon had over 700 wives and practiced all kinds of profane things. Despite God blessing him with wisdom that was renowned in the then known world.

Peter lied about knowing Christ and Paul persecuted Christians until his Damascus road experience.
The early church was constantly in disaccord and practicing ungodly things.

Is a picture beginning to emerge here.

Let's get it straight - we are all fallen and who we vote for isn't going to change that state -
and while we may think in our minds or even say with our mouths . . .

"How can a Christian vote for Hillary/Trump - take your pick -

only God knows who is truly born again and it's not your voting practices that determine your salvation.

Have you been born again by the Blood of Jesus Christ shed when He finished His work on the Cross?

That's the only real question that matters.

Vote or don't vote but it has nothing to do with your eternal destination


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