As a Christian, why am I voting for Trump?

As a Christian, why am I voting for Trump? According to God's Word, a Christian is the salt of the earth and the light of the world and if we lose our saltiness or hide our light - we have lost our value. While it is true that Satan may currently rule this world - he does not rule me, because I am not of this world and his rule is only for a short time. God has prewritten the history of this earth, so nothing is a shock to Him.

Hillary, is a globalist - at the Tower of Babel God dispersed humanity to become many different nations - yes at the end there will be a one world global government but we're not there yet - so I feel compelled to vote against a globalist.

Hillary is a staunch supporter of the slaughter of the unborn- God formed us in the womb and has plans for us and calls it a sin to murder anyone including our unborn children - so I feel compelled to vote against an abortion supporter.

Hillary wants to jettison religion, cultural and tradition - God dedicated 40 men to write 66 books over a few thousands years to be compiled into the greatest masterpiece of religion, cultural and tradition called the Holy Bible the best selling book of all time - so I feel compelled to vote against a person who wants to get rid of that book in our society.

As Christians, we are to pray for God's will daily to be done in this earth. I am so totally ready for the righteous rule of Jesus Christ, but as of this writing He hasn't come and so I'm stuck with the rule of humans.

I also realize that every single day is a tremendous gift to a lost and dying world - it gives one more precious human being the chance to become part of the Kingdom of God, escape Hell and gain Heaven.

So, while I wish there were better choices, I see Trump as the only viable choice for me this election cycle and I will go out and vote against what I view to be against God.

Hillary, Trump, you and I, we are all sinners. Some have less sinful past than others but we are all sinners.  Unsaved sinners, no matter the degree of sin in their lives are all going to end up together in Hell and sinners saved by the Blood of Jesus are all going to end up in Heaven together.

Whether you vote or not and no matter who you vote for - make sure above all things that you have made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior because this World is on a Collision course with God.


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