Examine Yourself to See if You are Truly Saved!!
I was not raised in a church that taught once saved always saved. Therefore, the subject of eternal salvation has always been confusing. This Blog was born out of a journey taken down the road of apostasy. If you've read my first blogs, then you will know that God eventually confronted my husband and I with the truth of the various ministries we were following. When confronted with biblical truths we ran as hard and as fast as we could away from everything in which we had been involved. In fact, we were horrified and filled with remorse. We felt that we had literally committed adultery and had betrayed our Lord and Savior. It took us years to get over those feelings that we had betrayed Jesus. We felt slimed. Since then, we have been diligent to make sure we are not being deceived. If someone states anything that we feel doesn't line up with God's Word - we go straight to God's Word and make a comparison. If they fail the test, we no longer listen to them nor recommend them.
Wanting to clarify this issue of apostasy I did some research. We have contended that those who have apostatized from the faith had never truly been saved. The following article is a good explanation. While the founder of this site has two naysayers against him, I believe this article to be a sound explanation. The naysayers websites seemed dubious at best to me. Do your due diligence. Hope this helps you understand the crazy church world in which we find ourselves living here at the end of the age.
Don't be caught upside down and asleep when Jesus Shouts, when the Voice of the Arch Angel is heard and the Trumpet Sounds.
Follow this link to the article http://www.gotquestions.org/apostasy-salvation.html
Read the following passages for a biblical description of those who are departing from the faith.
I Timothy 4:1,2: II Timothy 3:1-7: II Timothy 4:1-4
Wanting to clarify this issue of apostasy I did some research. We have contended that those who have apostatized from the faith had never truly been saved. The following article is a good explanation. While the founder of this site has two naysayers against him, I believe this article to be a sound explanation. The naysayers websites seemed dubious at best to me. Do your due diligence. Hope this helps you understand the crazy church world in which we find ourselves living here at the end of the age.
Don't be caught upside down and asleep when Jesus Shouts, when the Voice of the Arch Angel is heard and the Trumpet Sounds.
Follow this link to the article http://www.gotquestions.org/apostasy-salvation.html
Read the following passages for a biblical description of those who are departing from the faith.
I Timothy 4:1,2: II Timothy 3:1-7: II Timothy 4:1-4