A Further Word on "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn
I did not realize there was so much controversy over "The Harbinger," in Christendom. I reread my review and found I had asked my readers to
If you are honest in your heart it will surely change your life and the way you perceive things.
I broke my own rule about going by feelings. I forgot that my heart is deceitfully wicked. There is no way I can look to my heart to change my life and my perceptions. The only thing I can look to is the Word of God it is the changer of my life and my perceptions.
My personal feelings are of no value; but I will say this, I do not believe that we as a nation are exempt from God's judgment. I also do not think a Christian is exempt from being blinded and deafened as the Jews were who rejected Yeshua the Messiah at His first coming.
Christians are rejecting the Word of God and following wolves. To me that is the same as rejecting Jesus Christ. I believe that Christians who have been told the truth about the wolves but continue to follow the wolves are being blinded and deafened.
My real concern about "The Harbinger," were the wolf endorsements. I believe that what Jonathan Cahn saw in Isaiah 9:11 any good student of the bible could make the same correlation and come to the same conclusions.
There is no doubt in my mind that America, the good Old USA, is in deep, deep trouble with God. I still recommend "The Harbinger," but read it in light of the Bible and don't look to your heart.