Snow White and The Huntsman a Review
Yesterday, Sunday, June 3, 2012; my husband and I saw "Snow White and The Huntsman." We both enjoyed the movie but had differing responses. We both agreed the cinematography was excellent and the scenes in the Fairies Sanctuary were reminiscent of "Avatar." We both agreed that Chris Hemsworth was great as the Huntsman, but actually wasn't to far off from the character "Thor" which Chris also played. Sam Claflin, was great as William/The Bowman. The Dwarves, well who doesn't like dwarves, always a fun loving and talented group of rowdies. We disagreed about the female leads. My husband did not think Charlize Theron was mean enough for Ravenna. His words, "blonde and evil don't go together." Since he was a (now silver) blonde I think he's prejuidice in that area. And he did not think Kristen Stewart was beautiful enough for Snow White. Again, a male attitude. I personally thought Charlize did an excellent job portraying the evil, vain and narcissistic Ravenna. Unfortunately, I also identified with her driven maniacal desperation to maintain her youth and beauty. Kristen Stewart also played an excellent Snow White. Kristen was able to balance empathy with others and the need to be strong in a crisis beautifully. I thought the scene where she played dolls with the little girl on the lake was so poignant of Snow White's missing childhood. While, I do not think Kristen is a classical beauty, she does have enough beauty to carry the part. Kristen seems to be truly down to earth and that internal attitude carries over into the parts she plays. She had just the right blend of femininity to be grossed out by the Dark Forest but enough feminine strength to survive. I was glad to see that she had overcome the issue with not knowing what to do with her hands except for the kiss between her and William/Ravenna where she used the same hand gesture in "Twilight" when Bella kisses Edward. The casting director, Lucy Bevan, did an excellent job. Now to the occult in the movie. First, it should be noted that all fairytales in my recollection have an occult component. I have never taken a class on fairytales and their origins so what I observe is based only on my having read them as a child and my limited knowledge of the occult. If you have read my blog on red, white and black then you will know it is a recurring theme visually in cinema. Watching Snow White I realized that theme goes much further back than I realized. After doing a little research on Wikipedia the Grimms Brothers version of the Fairytale had the Queen sewing at her ebony windowsill covered in snow when she pricked her finger and three drops of blood fell on the white snow which elicited the wish for a daughter with skin white as snow, lips red as blood and hair black as ebony. In the movie that theme is also repeated for Ravenna when her mother makes her drink milk with drops of blood and of course Ravenna is often dressed in black with black jewelry and has a black glass army at her beck and call not to mention the ravens. It creeped both my husband and I out when the Fairies came out of the birds. The same birds that lead Snow White out of the castle keep. Any time anything comes out of another living creature there is an issue of demon possession. We also noticed that Snow White did not finish Our Father with the most important lines ". . . For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." Matthew 6:13. The issue of the white hart bowing to Snow White is also quite troubling. According to an article in Mailonline by Marcus Dunk the white hart came to represent Christ in Christianity. So, we have Christ symbolically bowing to the Queen of Heaven (the Queen of Heaven poses as the Mother of Christ.) One of Jesus Christ titles is King of Kings and Lord of Lords(I Timothy 6:15)and He bows to no one. The true mother of Jesus Christ, Mary or Miryam in Hebrew, is among the dead and has no authority or rule over Jesus Christ not in times past, present or future. She is awaiting the resurrection of her dead body. There is the mirror of course which can be used for the practice of scrying (peering into a medium such as a crystal ball, water, mirror etc. to see into the future or contact the spirit world - paraphrased from Wikipedia). The Huntsman when he kissed Snow White said "You will be Queen in Heaven today sitting with the angels." That term is a reference to the woman who rides the beast in Revelation 17:3-6. It is interesting to note that Snow White was crowned Queen in a Scarlet colored gown and that behind her throne there was a standard bearing a tree which always brings one back to the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil represented by the apple tree. And that the Queen bowed with a branch from the apple tree in her hand. It was the bite of the apple that put Snow White under the curse or spell of Ravenna. I thought the movie was too dark and violent for younger children and yet the theater was full of children under 13. It is obvious that mankind has been battling the good and evil within and without for millenial. Black and white represent man's struggle not only within himself to be a good and decent person, but the struggles against powers in society at large that are at war. Red represents our salvation through Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. It is intrinsic in our nature that those three colors represent what we are and our way out. They seem to be building to a crescendo.