
Showing posts from 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - a review

I don't remember how old I was when I first read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Ring trilogy . . . but I was totally enamored of them.  When the animated movie of The Hobbit was released with Orson Bean giving voice to Bilbo Baggins, well, I was thrilled. But nothing can express the anticipation I felt waiting for The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to arrive in full living color to the big screen!! The anticipation of "The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey" was nothing to compare with the LoR trilogy and so it arrived a little unexpected for me.  I was informed that it too, was going to be a trilogy . . . I got out my book looked at the 19 chapters and the 308 pages and said no way . . . and it was with a little disappointment that I went to see the first movie knowing I would not get the entire story in one sitting. Despite the wait and the disappointment of knowing I wouldn't view the whole story; I came away once again en...

P.S. the world doesn't end tomorrow - 12-21-2012

I've got places to go and things to do!  So, I wanted to take a quick moment to remind everyone -- The One True and Only God of the Universre -- the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- does not operate by a pagan calendar . . . any pagan calendar or device. Go out enjoy your Christmas and New Years Holidays.  Don't do stupid things like run  up your credit cards and buy things you can't afford.  Don't make committments you think you won't have to keep. And REMEMBER above all things we are on a time table but it is God's.  If you haven't made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior and submitted yourself to God's word instead of reinventing God in your image. . . well you need to do that because time IS running out -- it just won't be tomorrow! MERRY CHRISTMAS!  

Breaking Dawn Part 2 - a review

Finally, it is over and forever is no more!  What can I say about the "twilight saga" that I haven't said before?  I don't know.  I sat in the theater Friday watching the previews for what is coming down the movie pike and realized that it all looked like an ad-fest for the coming Tribulation and those that will be left behind - no really people will be left behind. So, will there be genetic enhancements available for those that will take the mark of the beast?  Is "twilight" a preview of what you can enjoy with your genetic enhancements?  Truly, who wouldn't want to leap over river gorges in a single bound and scale a sheer face cliff in a moments time?  Being a nature lover it would be totally awesome to hear and see and smell like never before.  To sense every nuance of the world around me would be a gift. But what of the cost -- is hell worth the price of that -- especially, since as a Christian I will gain that for free because of the g...

Skyfall - a review

The new James Bond movie is released every two to three years in November and has been a long time date for our anniversary.  Skyfall was our 32nd anniversary date. I've seen every Bond movie ever made and read all Ian Flemings, Bond books, though I can't remember a single book.  Old Age! Roger Moore is my least favorite Bond.   All the rest I like pretty evenly.  To me James Bond is about being a spy on the suave and sophisticated level.  Somehow James Bond always came out of a fight looking totally GQ.  And he always had the latest and greatest electronic equipment made to look like everyday utilities of life - belts, shoes, watches, etc. Now that production has passed from Broccoli's hands to his daugther's, I can't say that I've been all that happy.   I think Daniel Craig is an excellent Bond.  However, the new Bond was brutally abused by his nemisis in "Casino Royale" while "Quantam of Solace" just seemed ...

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Here in the USA it is Thanksgiving, so I would like to say thank you to all of you who have visited my blog.  I have had almost 7,000 hits on my blog from all over the world.  To me that is simply amazing.  In the overall scheme of the population of the world that is a small number.  But to me it is huge.  I hope above all things you have found truth in Jesus Christ and thereby salvation.  I hope you have found freedom.  I hope that you know how blessed I perceive myself to be. I  pray for those who are in cyberspace searching for truth for information and above all for Jesus Christ.  May I see each of you in Heaven.  I thank you for visiting with me. Be Blessed. Happy Thanksgiving from Hummingbird too each and everyone of you.      

Bravo Rob Pattinson

I'm really proud of Rob for going to the premier of the final "twilight" movie alone. A long time ago I read that there are multiple people for each person to fall in love with and have a happy successful marriage for a lifetime.  There are millions of lovely young women all over the world Rob.  Some of them are teachers, occupational therapist, doctors, waitresses, college students, athletes, secretaries . . . I recommend you look beyond Hollywood if you want to have a happy life.  I also recommend you never ever move in with anyone again.  If you fall in love ask her to marry you - not move in with you. My husband married his first wife twice.  The outcome was the same.  She was an adultress.  But we have been married for 32 years and neither of us have ever betrayed the other.  I wouldn't recommend going down the road again with Kristin and it looks as though you will not.  I applaud your decision. You have conquered Hollywood...

Behold, I shew you a mystery;

We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.  Corinthians 15:51-53 I am posting a link to Mike Hoggard's last two broadcasts on the Translation/Catching Away/Rapture of the Church.  It is an excellent teaching. Scroll down until you come to the list of broadcast and click on the first show entitled "The Translation: The Rapture and The Return of Jesus Christ. Israel is once again under attack from their ruthless neighbors.  Will this be the ignitor of the end time events that will bring us to the Rapture and into the Tribulation? . . . or will it fizzle. God is in control but I know one thing . . . and one thing only . . . Keep looking up our redemption is drawing eve...

Crushed, Doomed, Hope Expired - except . . .

for those of us who are looking for a city whose builder and maker is God. The Global Agenda has just been fast tracked to the Book of Revelation. Yes, we Americans think the whole world revolves around us.  In fact, the whole world revolves around Israel.  With the re-election of Obama it is my personal opinion that Israel cannot trust Obama on any level and therefore, their alliance with us is on sinking sand. I found a great sermon that explains beautifully what happens in government to a vacuous and vain people.  Americans are vacuous and vain.  Here is the link. Global events are speeding rapidly forward to God's end.  If you have not experienced the conviction of the Holy Spirt that leads to Godly sorrow and repentance of your sin through the Blood of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross and hope in resurrection from His resurrection, then now, is the time to pray t...

Election Day USA

I voted early on October 25th.  What a shock!  I was out running a few errands before my 11:15 waxing appointment and I thought, "I've got time to early vote."  So, after going all the way out to FM 270 to pay the car note (someone had ran into the brick post at the branch nearest me and it is closed till the post is repaired) I whipped by the Galveston County Courthouse Annex.  To my great surprise the parking lot was nearly full front and back and people were driving all around to find a parking place.  This did not bode well for my appointment but since it was just a little past 10:00, I still felt I could do this.  I parked and rushed inside, only to find the line to vote ALL the way down the hall and around the corner.  That hall is no short hall either.  I got in line and started querying the other voters as to how fast the line was moving when someone came out and reminded everyone of the other precincts open for early voting...

"Fletch Lives" unfortunately it's in most of your local churches!

"Fletch Lives" was released in 1989.  It is a silly Chevy Chase movie set in south Louisiana.  It is a combination parody of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and Jim and Tammy Baker.  Fletch demonstrates the deception employed in so many churches today while showing the people attending those churches to be easy marks taken in by all the glitz and showmanship of the hawkers (pastors and their staff). One problem with the modern day church attendee is that because the "pastor" is a "Christian" surely he will not tell a lie and break one of the big ten on the commandment list.   NOthing could be further from the truth -- modern pastors will say anything to get YOUR MONEY. If you want to see what fools fill church pews today just grab a bag of popcorn and rent "Fletch Lives."  If it is too close for comfort to the church you are attending - have some gumption -- leave that church and try to find one that is teaching the bible in CONTEXT....

Understanding your Bible

This link is astounding on how to understand your bible.  There are 3 videos in the series entitled "Understanding Bible Prophecy Series."  There is also and excellent video on "The Case Against the First Book of Enoch."  Paradox Brown's voice my cause you to tire but persevere she has done excellent research!! Enjoy -- and don't forget READ YOUR BIBLE

To Tithe or Not To Tithe - what does the Bible Teach

Are you always confused about tithing?  Do you feel like you have been brutally beaten by your pastor everytime he teaches on tithing? Follow this link to Chris Rosebrough's excellent exegis on tithing and critique of a pastor beating his church verbally for not tithing. It is the show for October 5, 2012.  Make sure you right click on the listen now tab and save as target to your computer.  Then open the saved file to your media player. The truth will set you free. No, tithing is not for the Christian Church.  Tithing was for the Jews who lived in a theocracy and had a temple to support.  Yes, Christians are to support their pastors.  Christians are to make sure that their pastor has a home, food, clothes and enough to sustain his family.  However, he does not deserve a lavish lifestyle.  My personal rule of thumb is give the pastor the median income of the people in the church....

Itching ears - heap up ticklers - ears and ticklers both are cursed

I was finishing up I Corinthians this morning and verse 22 caught my attention. I Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. It was followed by 2 citations so I followed them to Galatians 1:8 and Jude 14. What is anathema?  According to Webster's Dictionary: anathema 1. a thing or person accursed 2. a thing or person greatly detested 3. a formal curse, as in excommunicating a person from a church 4. any strong curse. On then to Galatians: Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. but we need to look at more of that text, Galatians 1:6-9 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gos...

Sheep They're What's for Dinner -- "Yum! Yum!" said the Wolves!

Like many Christians across the globe my husband and I no longer attend church.  In fact, we quit looking several years ago and turned to the internet.  There we found a plethora of pastors preaching sound doctrine, discernment ministries exposing wolves and wide ranging discussions of the end times prophetic portions of scripture. Month after month we have watched as these various internet icons have fallen to the dirt of their own unrighteousness - which as we all know -- all our righteousness is a filthy rag, all our hearts are deceitfully wicked and let God be true and every man a liar.  I guess therefore, it is unrealistic to expect what is left of Christian leadership to stand without succumbing to their fallen human flesh. In Texas we have a saying "Beef, it's what's for dinner!"  The wolves have a menu too "Sheep, they're what's for dinner!"  I feel like Bubba's shrimp menu in "Forest Gump" just replace shrimp with sheep and...

Yes - San Antonio again (otra vez)!

Why we love San Antonio!  Living in a suburb of Houston is no picnic.  The traffic is horrendous.  There is always, always, always ROAD CONSTRUCTION.  Just to get across town can often be a two hour affair or longer.  If you hit the traffic just right you can travel from League City to Conroe in about an hour.  But you have to know your interstate pulse to accomplish that goal! So, why do we make the trip to San Antonio?  First we usually leave on a weekday so we make sure to avoid morning rush hour and leave between 10 a.m and 11 a.m to also avoid noon rush hour.  Once we clear Houston it is a lovely easy drive to San Antonio and we generally get there in about 3 1/2 hours from our house.  That in and of itself is amazing! We always stay at a hotel either on or within one block of the Riverwalk.   We truly love to just park our car and not drive again unless we want.  San Antonio is perfect for walking everywhere. W...

So, Jesus had a wife (again) -- NOT

Apparently, we are revisiting the Jesus had a wife story.  Can we simply say, NO! Chris Rosebrough on Pirate Christian Radio does and excellent examination of this resurgent topic.  Listen to his September 20, 2012 broadcast.  You may have to right click on the listen banner and save it to your computer as an mp3 file.  This is well worth the listen.  Enjoy. Jesus is who He says He is -- Jesus having a wife is just another fairytale! ps - the only wife Jesus has is the Bride of Christ and He has not collected us yet!!  Come quickly Lord Jesus.

The Rob Pattinson/Kristen Stewart Break-Up

I am sure that Rob Pattinson felt like our car looked after the tree limb came crashing through our sunroof.  Learning that Kirsten Stewart had sex with a married man surely crushed his heart.  But like our car the damage to his heart will eventually heal. Since I don't personally know either of them you might ask what business do I have to comment?  Therefore, before I analyze their personal life together I want to take the litmus test of morality.  There are 10 points.  I am scoring those points worth 10 points for a total possible score of 100 percent. 1.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 0 points 2.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them:  for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the childre...

Wolfsbane, Aconite and A Christian

Words are so interesting, especially when you begin to research them.  I am thankful to Webster for his dictionary.  When we were children my mother had a huge unabridged dictionary.  The youngest son in our family was surrounded by girls.  There were nine children in our family.  The oldest was a boy followed by five girls then another boy followed by two more girls.  In order to get what he wanted my brother often resorted to his physically superior power over us girls.  My brother is over 6 feet tall.  Most of the girls are 5' 2" or shorter but I am almost 5' 9".  One afternoon he wanted to watch "Combat" but my short sister who was older than him was watching something else and would not cede the TV to my brother.  Soon a wrestling match ensued and the baby sister and I jumped in on my older sister's behalf.  Realizing quickly that even the three of us could not subdue my brother I reached for the unabridged dictionary...

A Most Excellent Sermon to test true Salvation

This link will lead you to a sermon by Paul Washer.  It will challenge you to examine your heart in light of the Word of God to see if you are truly saved.

The Roman Road vs. Roaming the Roads

Summer is winding away here on the Gulf Coast of Texas.  We are blessed with summer breezes flowing in from the Gulf of Mexico.  It is never quite as hot near open waters as it is further inland.  It's funny that I have spent my life along the I-10 corridor from Mississippi to Texas to Louisiana to Mississippi and back to Texas again. Being raised in the Bible Belt doesn't mean you were raised in church but the chances are pretty good.  Yes, I was raised in church.  In church you are taught the Roman Road to Salvation, but I never memorized that plan.  So, I had to look it up on the internet. Here's the plan of Salvation - Romans 1:20-21: "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became...

Gideon's Army, Discernment Ministries and the Coming of Jesus Christ

The story of Gideon is found in the Book of Judges, chapters 6-8.  Gideon lived between the time spanning the death of Joshua and the beginning of kings in Israel.  The people were supposed to follow God but they followed the idols of the land God had given them.  God used the surrounding peoples to bring discipline and judgment to His people Israel.  God then used the judges to rescue them. When Gideon's time came to be the designated rescuer and judge of Israel an angel of the Lord came and sat under and oak in Ophrah by the winepress where Gideon and his father threshed their wheat. It should be noted that Gideon's father had an altar to Baal.  Gideon's family were Baal worshippers, idolaters.  Read the account of the destruction of Baal's altar and the grove by Gideon in Judges 6:25-32. When Gideon assembled his army to fight against the Midianites he started with 32,000 men.  God purged Gideon's army two times before He was satis...

The Jewish Remnant Then - The Gentile Remnant Now

The last seven verses of the Book of Acts are some of the saddest to me and yet it was the most significant for me.  Specifically, these three verses Acts 28:26-28  Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive: 27 For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. 28 Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. This was the day that the nation of Israel was condemned from the mouth of Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 6:9-13).  Paul repeated the words of Isaiah and blindness and deafness came upon the nation of Israel for the prescribed time.  The majority of the Jews would be unable to understand the Gospel of Jesu...

Peace/Shalom -- Where, What, How, Huh?

Jesus Christ rode the colt of a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday signifying that He came in peace.  The people welcomed Him with great joy and sang the prophetic words from Psalm 118:26 John 11:9 . . . Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Within the week Jesus would be crucified and become the Passover Lamb. Their Suffering Messiah come to take away the sins of the world.  Not the Conquering Messiah they expected and regaled with Hosannas. So, where was the peace in that? I Timothy 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;  Look around we are not living anywhere in the world like this!!  So, what did Jesus mean when He said John 14:27 Peace I leave ...