To Tithe or Not To Tithe - what does the Bible Teach
Are you always confused about tithing? Do you feel like you have been brutally beaten by your pastor everytime he teaches on tithing?
Follow this link to Chris Rosebrough's excellent exegis on tithing and critique of a pastor beating his church verbally for not tithing.
It is the show for October 5, 2012. Make sure you right click on the listen now tab and save as target to your computer. Then open the saved file to your media player.
The truth will set you free.
Follow this link to Chris Rosebrough's excellent exegis on tithing and critique of a pastor beating his church verbally for not tithing.
It is the show for October 5, 2012. Make sure you right click on the listen now tab and save as target to your computer. Then open the saved file to your media player.
The truth will set you free.
No, tithing is not for the Christian Church. Tithing was for the Jews who lived in a theocracy and had a temple to support.
Yes, Christians are to support their pastors. Christians are to make sure that their pastor has a home, food, clothes and enough to sustain his family. However, he does not deserve a lavish lifestyle. My personal rule of thumb is give the pastor the median income of the people in the church. Throw out the top ten and the bottom ten incomes and average the rest. Your pastor deserves a living wage but not to live like a rock star. The people in the church under the guidance of the church board should maintain the church ground and buildings.
You should determine what amount you can give to help support your pastor and maintain the church building and grounds were you attend. It does not have to be a tenth of your income - it may be more, it may be less but whatever you determine do it faithfully -- AS LONG AS YOUR PASTOR IS TEACHING FROM THE WORD OF GOD.
If your pastor is a stand-up comedian who barely quotes a passage from the bible, if his favorite subject is himself and not Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected, if his sermons are about how to have a wonderful life now instead of how to escape HELL -- GET OUT OF THAT CHURCH!! NOW!!
I, however, am just a woman so read your bible and consider what Paul had to say about running the church. Or listen to Chris' Rosebrough episode at the link provided.