Election Day USA

I voted early on October 25th.  What a shock!  I was out running a few errands before my 11:15 waxing appointment and I thought, "I've got time to early vote."  So, after going all the way out to FM 270 to pay the car note (someone had ran into the brick post at the branch nearest me and it is closed till the post is repaired) I whipped by the Galveston County Courthouse Annex.  To my great surprise the parking lot was nearly full front and back and people were driving all around to find a parking place.  This did not bode well for my appointment but since it was just a little past 10:00, I still felt I could do this.  I parked and rushed inside, only to find the line to vote ALL the way down the hall and around the corner.  That hall is no short hall either.  I got in line and started querying the other voters as to how fast the line was moving when someone came out and reminded everyone of the other precincts open for early voting.  One was right across from my subdivision and he had said the wait was probably much shorter. 

Once again, I got in my car and drove the few minutes back across town to the intermediate school.  The prospects looked much better.  Once again I rushed across the parking lot and nearly ran down a couple of ladies slowly making their way to the school.  I realized this was rude and slowed down behind them and apologized for sounding like a stampede.  I explained my rush and they graciously allowed me to go in front of them.  The line was much shorter but it was a constant steady stream of voters.  All the voting booths were filled and the line stayed the same constant length which meant people were coming to vote as quick as people were leaving from voting.

My husband has been in Puget Sound in the State of Washington for the month of October.  He got home this past Friday but was too tired to go early vote after the long day in airports and on a plane.  This morning he walked over to the intermediate school around 7:30 it's 9:15 and he's still not back.  I wonder how long the line is?

There was not a sense of anger, frustration or irritation exuding from the people in line to vote.  There was simply a sense of determination.  I hope the determination was to remove this joke called the POTUS from office before he and his Tsars/Czars, random cronies, goofy Hollywood friends, musicians and athletes can totally destroy this country.  Cause let's face it, many movie stars if they have a college degree majored in theater - what does that qualify you for?  Oh yeah, to play dress up and pretend all your life, make ridiculous amounts of money and be totally out of touch with reality.  Please note, some Hollywood movie stars are very smart and have degrees in serious fields of study but that only qualifies them to vote not decide policy for the rest of the USA.  And musicians well most of them spend their time partying and doing drugs - again no qualifications there.  Athletes the same.  So, while they have a right to vote, I highly resent them using their faces to influence young impressionable people to vote their way!

As crazy as America, is we still have the right to vote and this year I think we are seeing that right exercised like never before in recent history.  I only hope it is for a saner POTUS.  Though I question anyone who is a Mormon, grasp on reality, they seem to be a highly successful group of people.  And I don't feel believing that lying MORON(I), Joseph Smith, disqualifies you from being President.

Technically, I believe that Romney is the lesser of two evils. 

We'll see what America thinks come tomorrow.

I don't think I have to say this - at least not this year - if you have decided not to go vote today, get up, get out and go vote.  We are still free to vote in America, so do it!


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