The Problem for the Bernie Sanders Crowd - REALITY!
The problem with the free stuff crowd - they fail to logically assess reality.
Sure, free college, healthcare/Medicare, etc. for all sounds wonderful, but is it really possible here in a nation of 327 million people?
According to the article below, the net worth of the US is only $105 billion. Now that may sound like a lot but not when the above free stuff is going to run into the trillions.
At this point some may think, no way is the net worth of the US only $105 billion, there are tons of millionaires and billionaires in the US. True, but all net worth is based on what's left over after all liabilities are taken into account.
Honestly, who really thinks that all the "WEALTHY" are just going to leave their money laying around for the government to "TAX" to give free stuff to everyone including illegal immigrants.
So, in reality in just a few short years the wealth of our nation will plummet and we can all live in poverty together, without infrastructure, food, housing, the basic needs of life. The rich and famous will be laughing it up on a tropical island they purchased for themselves when the "Social Democrats" started broadcasting their plans to steal from the wealthy and line their own political pockets under the guise of giving free stuff to everyone.
Another reality check is that we the people, ALL the people will be taxed to fund the free stuff. What happens when we run out of people.
The sad truth is demographics play a huge part in funding government and worldwide people are no longer reproducing at sustainable rates and millions upon millions of future workers are being aborted.
I don't know the final count, but before my Grannie Dees died she had 8 children, 41 grandchildren and 37 great grandchildren. Now consider my parents, they had 9 living children, 13 grandchildren and to date 13 great grandchildren, but no great, great grandchildren. Of the 13 grandchildren only 5 have reproduced. The oldest will be 60 next year and the youngest are in their 30s and approaching 40 and reproduction looks slimmer and slimmer for them each year. Especially, since 3 of the oldest are almost 40 and still have no children.
Of the great grandchildren 4 technically are of marriageable age but only 1 is currently married.
And what about marriage in general, many people are no longer getting married, or they are marrying themselves or they are marrying the same sex, a marriage that cannot yield any natural offspring, thereby not adding to the population.
So the old saying is true, "Nothing in Life is Free!"
Wise up Social Democrats, the American Way is still the greatest in the world and if you really want socialism immigrate to a country already on that system, instead of being part of the destruction of the greatest country ever in the world.