Yeshua Hamashiach - the Blood Atonement
This is great news! The Jewish Messiah, Yeshua aka Jesus, made His first appearance over 2,000 years ago as the suffering Messiah. The necessity of Him suffering is due to the fact that there can be no atonement for sin, without the shedding of blood and Yeshua was that sinless sacrifice as prophesied by the prophet Yesha'Yahu (Isaiah). In chapter 9 His birth was prophesied, in chapter 53 His death was prophesied and also in Tehillim/Psalms 22. Yeshua/Jesus sent His twelve Jewish disciples to preach the Gospel, the Good News of the New Covenant into all the world. That gospel has come full circle and now Jews everywhere are coming to believe and receive their salvation that Yeshua is indeed the prophesied Messiah! Yeshua will be making His second appearance as conquering King sometime in the very near future. Yeshua came under the Old Covenant, went to temple, taught in the temple, kept all the feasts and was circumcised on the 8th day as was the Jewish custom. He is the Hamashiach!
Follow this link to find out more about Yeshua and the Messianic Jews around the world and in Israel!