A Cautionary Tale of the Imploding Democratic Party
The sun is setting on the U.S. Democratic Party and while we as conservatives celebrate it's demise and welcome those from the #walkaway movement we need to properly analyze it's demise, lest we follow in it's footsteps.
Most conservatives hold to a biblical viewpoint. We believe in the right to life of the unborn, that marriage should be between a man and a woman, that government should be small and dreams big. And at one time Democrats held a lot of those viewpoints, but that was a very long time ago.
I'm sure many Democrats are scratching their heads and saying why are all you liberals walking away from us? We gave you the right to murder the unborn, we birthed feminism and got all you women out of the house. We got you, the LGBT community, out of the closet. We're on the verge of getting rid of the U.S. borders. We don't think Muslims want Sharia Law in America and if they do so what! We don't think Islam is a hotbed of Terrorism and hatred towards America. We got all the African Americans the right to vote, (well really - it was the Republicans but we don't want you to know that) and got you all those great welfare benefits as long as there weren't any Fathers in your homes.
So, what is the problem here?
Like spoiled children, whose parents give them everything they want without discipline or training, Democrats are dissatisfied. Spoiled children seem ungrateful, but the truth is, they are disappointed. What they really wanted was boundaries and directions. To be told No!, when they were headed into danger. Children want to be trained to be successful adults so that their lives will be productive and successful. So, the liberals that are deserting the Democratic Party, like rats from a sinking ship, have awakened. To what? They have awakened to the realization that their liberal party is plunging society into chaos and confusion and birthing a generation that does not understand how to be a part of society.
The majority of citizens here in the U.S. really just want to go to work, build a life, have a future and retire to enjoy a lifetime from all their hard work. But that future looks very dim in the democratic party. There will be no utopia, there will only be destruction.
So, as conservatives we need to remember this. We need to stand true to our values. In Donald Trump we voted against our Republican politicians who had become complacent and cooperative during the Obama years. Voting in things such as Obamacare, which none of us wanted, and they didn't read the bill!! We were outraged. We were outraged by the Obama Middle Eastern U.S.A. apology tour. We were outraged by the way Israel was treated. So, we sent a message to our Republican Congressmen and our Republican leadership, that message was Donald Trump. And we didn't do it alone, many Democrats and others came along side of us and also voted Trump. And now they are seeing the Democrats didn't get the message and are only getting more vicious, vile and mean spirited - and more and more Democrats are walking away from their deranged party!
To all the conservatives out there who are Christians, we need to remember we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Many of those who will be coming into the Republican Party are looking for hope! Many in the LGBT community were molested as children and had their sexual maturation perverted and hijacked. Their struggle is real and now in California they are trying to keep them slaves to their sexual sin by denying them "conversion therapy". Most women don't want to abort their babies, but they can't see a way out.
Conservatives, if we are going to keep our party from imploding at some future date, we must stay Salt and Light. Love those who don't hold our views but offer them hope through Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Most conservatives hold to a biblical viewpoint. We believe in the right to life of the unborn, that marriage should be between a man and a woman, that government should be small and dreams big. And at one time Democrats held a lot of those viewpoints, but that was a very long time ago.
I'm sure many Democrats are scratching their heads and saying why are all you liberals walking away from us? We gave you the right to murder the unborn, we birthed feminism and got all you women out of the house. We got you, the LGBT community, out of the closet. We're on the verge of getting rid of the U.S. borders. We don't think Muslims want Sharia Law in America and if they do so what! We don't think Islam is a hotbed of Terrorism and hatred towards America. We got all the African Americans the right to vote, (well really - it was the Republicans but we don't want you to know that) and got you all those great welfare benefits as long as there weren't any Fathers in your homes.
So, what is the problem here?
Like spoiled children, whose parents give them everything they want without discipline or training, Democrats are dissatisfied. Spoiled children seem ungrateful, but the truth is, they are disappointed. What they really wanted was boundaries and directions. To be told No!, when they were headed into danger. Children want to be trained to be successful adults so that their lives will be productive and successful. So, the liberals that are deserting the Democratic Party, like rats from a sinking ship, have awakened. To what? They have awakened to the realization that their liberal party is plunging society into chaos and confusion and birthing a generation that does not understand how to be a part of society.
The majority of citizens here in the U.S. really just want to go to work, build a life, have a future and retire to enjoy a lifetime from all their hard work. But that future looks very dim in the democratic party. There will be no utopia, there will only be destruction.
So, as conservatives we need to remember this. We need to stand true to our values. In Donald Trump we voted against our Republican politicians who had become complacent and cooperative during the Obama years. Voting in things such as Obamacare, which none of us wanted, and they didn't read the bill!! We were outraged. We were outraged by the Obama Middle Eastern U.S.A. apology tour. We were outraged by the way Israel was treated. So, we sent a message to our Republican Congressmen and our Republican leadership, that message was Donald Trump. And we didn't do it alone, many Democrats and others came along side of us and also voted Trump. And now they are seeing the Democrats didn't get the message and are only getting more vicious, vile and mean spirited - and more and more Democrats are walking away from their deranged party!
To all the conservatives out there who are Christians, we need to remember we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Many of those who will be coming into the Republican Party are looking for hope! Many in the LGBT community were molested as children and had their sexual maturation perverted and hijacked. Their struggle is real and now in California they are trying to keep them slaves to their sexual sin by denying them "conversion therapy". Most women don't want to abort their babies, but they can't see a way out.
Conservatives, if we are going to keep our party from imploding at some future date, we must stay Salt and Light. Love those who don't hold our views but offer them hope through Salvation through Jesus Christ.