4th of July 2018
The Great American Divide
I am thankful to God today for allowing our nation to mark one more year in our history. As we begin the next year, I wonder where honor has gone? Democrat leadership seems bent on the destruction of our country and Republican leaderships seems bent on allowing that destruction. Our President is maligned, accused, insulted and threatened day in and day out along with his family, his administration and anyone who voted for him. I was not born a Republican, I was born an American. I have many bloodlines flowing through my veins, but I am not a Scottish, Welsh, Irish, English American - I am an American.
I weep almost daily over the state of this country. I weep over the murder of the unborn and wonder how those who claim Christ continually vote for those who promote that murder even to the point of birth. I am astounded at the cruelty they vote into office. I weep over the LGBT community because their idenities have been stolen from them and they have been cheated out of a normal life and condemned to Hell according to God's Word unless they repent and turn from that behavior, along with all sexual sin against God's written word. I am appalled that the school curriculums across America are now targeting kindergarten children with a sexual agenda of indoctrination into perversion and the liberals celebrate this. I am saddened that our schools are turning out the most ignorant, uneducated and shallow generation ever and I know that if this world continues eventually they will be enslaved by an evil government.
I am stunned that so many Americans believe Socialism is a good thing when the continent to our South is filled with Socialist governments; filled with corruption and violence, to the point that our borders are overflowing with people trying to escape those governments.
I pray for our nation, our leadership, but mostly I pray for Jesus to come. I think Americans have to give up being slaves to our political parties. If we claim Christ, then we actually need to have our votes follow His Word as best we can with what we have to choose from.
It wasn't just Republicans that voted Trump into office - it was people from all political parties, all walks of life, many different races. We voted Trump, because we woke up and realized that politicians aren't for Americans, they are for themselves. And if the #Walkawaymovement is any indicator then Trump will be re-elected.
I believe with all my heart that most Americans see through the Media bias and lies of the left. I believe with all my heart that most Americans believe in the sanctity of life and the rights of the unborn to be born. I believe most Americans refuse to be a slave to their political parties following the lead of corrupt politicians who cry for illegal alien children on the border, while voting to rip the brains out of American children as they are being born.
I can only pray that the rest of America will wake up and pray for our President instead of bashing him every single moment of every single day. PRAY AMERICA, PRAY and if you can't pray for Trump due to blinding hatred, but you claim Christ, then at least you can PRAY FOR GOD's WILL TO BE DONE.
Happy 4th of July - May Freedom Ring!