
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Real Evil in Charlotte - Another Great Read from Sultan Knish

The Real Evil in Charlotte

Final thoughts from Deplorable points.

      I have some final thoughts from the Deplorable points - well technically, I doubt it, but . . . My intense 40 year interest in Bible Prophecy developed a keen interest in geo-political, economic and religious events around the world. 40 years has yielded an ever increasing awareness of how we have arrived at this point in time.   At the beginning of the 20th century Marxist began to infiltrate this country. They got into our education system, they got into our religious institutions, they infiltrated our government and now they are everywhere. In less than 100 years they have destroyed the Judeo-Christian value system in our country. They my friends are the reason perversion is a okay and you better keep your mouth shut! They my friends are the reason people with high moral standards are now scum of the earth! 50 years ago a moral person who refused to service a gay wedding ceremony would not have lost their business over their mor...

From the Basket of Deplorables

        I took this photo this summer in Gulf Shores, Alabama before I knew I was a "Deplorable."  I was there among all the other sun loving, beach loving Deplorables waiting in long lines to get seated at restaurants, swimming in the beautiful green waters, sunning or burning on the pristine white beaches, shopping and just generally enjoying a long awaited vacation.  Waiting in those long lines due to large family groups meeting at the Gulf to vacation.  You fall into conversations and get to know one another in that vacation sense.  There is a sense of camaraderie and the wish you could get to know people better.    There use to be a sense of family here in the U.S.  No, we didn't all believe the same things, attend the same churches, belong to the same political parties.  But we all had a sense that this wonderful form of government we have here would go on generation a...