As in the days of Noah and the coming crescendos.
Recently, my husband and I spent a week with a large portion of my family in Sandestin, Florida on spring break. We never go in March to the Gulf Coast. It is generally cold and rainy and not good beach weather. But for the sake of the family we went. It was cold and rainy and not good beach weather. However, we were able to have one fantastically beautiful beach day. Somehow, I managed to actually swim in those beautiful chilly gulf waters for at least a few minutes. For two people who love the beach, love to swim, love to walk along the shore and sun in the sand it was not enough.
There were a total of 19 family members. Four left on the second day and the rest of us started leaving a few days later. For the most part my family was raised in church and considers themselves to be Christian. We are all in various states of our sinful natures and are thankful for the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ which saves us from our sin! There are a few who either openly hate God or are agnostic at best and are naysayers of the reality that all we see and know is coming to a great closing crescendo.
My brother is a God hater and it was quite evident in his references to the story of Noah that he vocalized on our family vacation. His hatred and disdain of God was clear. His remarks got my attention and of course everything I said was scoffed or mocked. Don't get me wrong I love my brother and he loves me but we are in conflict over this subject. But it made me realize how it must have been for Noah while building the ark. Our discourse sharply reminded me of the Words of Jesus explaining to His disciples that it would once again be like it was in the days of Noe when it was time for Him to return.
It is interesting to note in the text of Matthew 24:7 and 29, that Jesus describes a multitude of cataclysmic events that are happening in the earth, but of the general state of mankind itself life apparently goes on as usual: eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage (Matthew 24:38.)
In II Peter 2:5 Noah is called a preacher of righteousness, so I can only assume that all those years he was building the ark that he called the people on the earth to repent. Please note that is an assumption and technically cannot be supported by the biblical text. He could have done this preaching after the flood. Since, only his family was saved and if my assumption is correct about him preaching before the flood, then obviously, his warnings were rejected.
The same thing is happening again today. Despite the fact that the current era in which we live is described in great detail in the biblical text. Despite the fact that there are countless and I do mean countless websites, You Tube videos, blogs, television productions, dvds, cds, books, magazines, devoted to the end of this age the world is still filled with mockers. Despite the fact that the world is literally falling apart before our very eyes with earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, comets, meteors, asteroids, huge huge waves, hurricanes, droughts, fires, blizzards, massive animal die offs, mysterious thunderous sounds, ufos, people can somehow ignore these things and pretend everything is just fine. Despite the fact that the global economies and global politics are in a state of total chaos that is on the verge of a complete meltdown, people still call for their politicians to do something, anything just make it all go back to normal. Despite the fact that churches across the globe are filled with money hungry, movie star wanna be preachers who couldn't preach the biblical texts if their lives depended on it and who fly around the globe in their own private jets, dressed in designer clothes and living in multi-million dollar mansions - the sheeple people still flock to their churches throwing their hard earned money down the toilets of greed, purchasing all the vacuous empty books, dvds, and literature hoping that somehow they too can become one of God's special people and live a life of luxury and excess.
The reality of what happened to Noah should be noted. He obeyed God built the ark, gathered the animals and then one day God told Noah
First, God called Noah to come with his household into the ark. One day Jesus is going to call, actually He is going to shout with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and translate His people to Heaven. Second, Noah was in the ark for seven days before it began to rain and there is going to be seven years of ever increasing hell unleashed on the earth before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Finally, it should be noted that God shut Noah and his family and the animals into the ark. Noah had no control over shutting the door between him, his family and the rest of humanity. Likewise, when the righteous saints of God are removed from this earth we will have no control over the reality that a large portion of humanity, including our family and friends will be left here to suffer the consequences of their refusal to acknowledge God, repent and accept the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and thus be saved from the onslaught that will follow the rapture.
To me it seems such a simple choice. Repent, commit your life to Jesus Christ, take up your cross and follow him, receive the eternal free gift of salvation and miss the complete and total horror of the tribulation because you will be raptured/translated (which has got to be the most amazing physical experience any human being will have this side of heaven.) OR, refuse and stay earthbound to suffer the most horrible events ever to transpire.
It is obvious to anyone who even takes a cursory glance at what is going on around the globe that we are headed for something horrible. To make matters worse the entertainment industry is broadcasting to us that some superior beings (fallen angels and their demonic hoards) are headed our way (something wicked this way comes.) And yet millions across the globe continue on eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage ignoring the fact that sudden destruction is at their doors.
STOP now and seriously consider what is being shouted from the rooftops. Jesus is coming, the rapture is imminent, destruction is at the threshold of your life. Repent today before it is too late.
OR just go on, business as usual and pretend all this isn't coming down the pike.
The first crescendo is coming soon, that will be the rapture. The final crescendo of this age will be the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Time is running out quickly.
I HOPE to see you in Heaven. But if you choose to stay behind - better to be a martyr for Jesus Christ and spend eternity in Heaven, than a pawn, a minion of Satan and spend eternity in Hell. Don't forget DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST.
May the Peace of God that passes all understanding be yours today.
There were a total of 19 family members. Four left on the second day and the rest of us started leaving a few days later. For the most part my family was raised in church and considers themselves to be Christian. We are all in various states of our sinful natures and are thankful for the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ which saves us from our sin! There are a few who either openly hate God or are agnostic at best and are naysayers of the reality that all we see and know is coming to a great closing crescendo.
My brother is a God hater and it was quite evident in his references to the story of Noah that he vocalized on our family vacation. His hatred and disdain of God was clear. His remarks got my attention and of course everything I said was scoffed or mocked. Don't get me wrong I love my brother and he loves me but we are in conflict over this subject. But it made me realize how it must have been for Noah while building the ark. Our discourse sharply reminded me of the Words of Jesus explaining to His disciples that it would once again be like it was in the days of Noe when it was time for Him to return.
It is interesting to note in the text of Matthew 24:7 and 29, that Jesus describes a multitude of cataclysmic events that are happening in the earth, but of the general state of mankind itself life apparently goes on as usual: eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage (Matthew 24:38.)
In II Peter 2:5 Noah is called a preacher of righteousness, so I can only assume that all those years he was building the ark that he called the people on the earth to repent. Please note that is an assumption and technically cannot be supported by the biblical text. He could have done this preaching after the flood. Since, only his family was saved and if my assumption is correct about him preaching before the flood, then obviously, his warnings were rejected.
The same thing is happening again today. Despite the fact that the current era in which we live is described in great detail in the biblical text. Despite the fact that there are countless and I do mean countless websites, You Tube videos, blogs, television productions, dvds, cds, books, magazines, devoted to the end of this age the world is still filled with mockers. Despite the fact that the world is literally falling apart before our very eyes with earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, comets, meteors, asteroids, huge huge waves, hurricanes, droughts, fires, blizzards, massive animal die offs, mysterious thunderous sounds, ufos, people can somehow ignore these things and pretend everything is just fine. Despite the fact that the global economies and global politics are in a state of total chaos that is on the verge of a complete meltdown, people still call for their politicians to do something, anything just make it all go back to normal. Despite the fact that churches across the globe are filled with money hungry, movie star wanna be preachers who couldn't preach the biblical texts if their lives depended on it and who fly around the globe in their own private jets, dressed in designer clothes and living in multi-million dollar mansions - the sheeple people still flock to their churches throwing their hard earned money down the toilets of greed, purchasing all the vacuous empty books, dvds, and literature hoping that somehow they too can become one of God's special people and live a life of luxury and excess.
The reality of what happened to Noah should be noted. He obeyed God built the ark, gathered the animals and then one day God told Noah
Genesis 7:1, 4 and 16 And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. 4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth 16 And they went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.
First, God called Noah to come with his household into the ark. One day Jesus is going to call, actually He is going to shout with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and translate His people to Heaven. Second, Noah was in the ark for seven days before it began to rain and there is going to be seven years of ever increasing hell unleashed on the earth before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Finally, it should be noted that God shut Noah and his family and the animals into the ark. Noah had no control over shutting the door between him, his family and the rest of humanity. Likewise, when the righteous saints of God are removed from this earth we will have no control over the reality that a large portion of humanity, including our family and friends will be left here to suffer the consequences of their refusal to acknowledge God, repent and accept the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and thus be saved from the onslaught that will follow the rapture.
To me it seems such a simple choice. Repent, commit your life to Jesus Christ, take up your cross and follow him, receive the eternal free gift of salvation and miss the complete and total horror of the tribulation because you will be raptured/translated (which has got to be the most amazing physical experience any human being will have this side of heaven.) OR, refuse and stay earthbound to suffer the most horrible events ever to transpire.
It is obvious to anyone who even takes a cursory glance at what is going on around the globe that we are headed for something horrible. To make matters worse the entertainment industry is broadcasting to us that some superior beings (fallen angels and their demonic hoards) are headed our way (something wicked this way comes.) And yet millions across the globe continue on eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage ignoring the fact that sudden destruction is at their doors.
STOP now and seriously consider what is being shouted from the rooftops. Jesus is coming, the rapture is imminent, destruction is at the threshold of your life. Repent today before it is too late.
OR just go on, business as usual and pretend all this isn't coming down the pike.
The first crescendo is coming soon, that will be the rapture. The final crescendo of this age will be the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Time is running out quickly.
I HOPE to see you in Heaven. But if you choose to stay behind - better to be a martyr for Jesus Christ and spend eternity in Heaven, than a pawn, a minion of Satan and spend eternity in Hell. Don't forget DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST.
May the Peace of God that passes all understanding be yours today.