Hebrew Roots, World War Z and the Mark of the Beast
Recently, I had a run in with a person involved in the Hebrew Roots Movement. This was not my first encounter with people following this movement. Before I go down this road it is only right that I put out a disclaimer. First, in the pursuit of "God" I have done some crazy, crazy things. I've been lead astray by the prosperity gospel, the signs and wonders movement, been in seeker sensitive and decree a thing. I have danced myself into exhaustion while waving banners in hopes that a supernatural manifestation would occur. I walked in circles praying in tongues hoping angels would show up. I have fallen for the liars that said gemstones, gold dust and feathers were falling from the sky. I have to face facts, I'm just a gullible fool. So, when I say I thank Jesus Christ for having mercy on me and opening my eyes to my own foolishness, I am incredibly sincere!! Back to the Hebrew Roots movement. My husband and I have participated in a co...