I Am One Weary Christian

I have been so blessed in my life.  The greatest blessing was and is my salvation.  I will never forget the day that the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins and I ran weeping to the bottom of that stage.  There was no altar.  I got saved at a Christian Concert.  The singer was Sammy Hall.  The place was the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College gym.  The time was March 1976, thirty seven years ago.  That started the long never ending process of sanctification.  No, I will never be free of sin as long as I am in this earthly fallen body captured by gravity on this planet.  But I keep working towards the mark.

What wearies my soul?  Like most people I have a FB page where I am connected to family and friends.  I have around 150 family and friends, more than I can track.  Since most are southerners raised in church, the majority claim Christ.  There is constant pages in various formats titled "Like" if you love Jesus.  But when I get right down to the nitty gritty of Christian apologetics with postings on FB . . . there aren't a lot of responses from my "Christian" family and friends.

Grant it that doesn't mean they aren't reading, listening or following the links to various programs and articles I post.   Some of them are concerned that it might cost them their jobs and others their families.  Their are some however who just simply don't agree with the viewpoints presented.

So, what is the problem?  The problem is that the viewpoints are biblical doctrine.  If you don't believe biblical doctrines can you still be a Christian?

I have a problem with a slice it and dice it Bible.  Jesus Christ is The Word of God which equals the Bible.  I don't think slicing and dicing up the Word of God until you are happy with the parts you like is an option.  I think when you've done that you have created another Jesus.  The Jesus of your own fallen thinking.  Now you have a type of antichrist sitting on the throne of your heart.

Many Americans think that just because they are Americans, they are Christians.  Many Americans think that just because they go to church on the occaisional Sunday or every time the doors are open, they are Christians.  They think if their parents were Christians or they were raised in church, they are Christians.  Many Americans think that since they were sprinkled at birth or dunked in a baptistry, lake or pond they are Christians.  Many Americans think that if they went through confirmation as a child, they are Christians.  But are they? 

Below is a link to the hallmarks of a true believer in Christ Jesus.  I hope it will help you determine whether you are a true believer in Christ Jesus.


I love the Word of God.  It is my lighthouse in this stormy sea of life.  It is my comfort and my joy.  It keeps me pointed up looking for my redemption that draweth ever nigh.  It convicts me of my sin and pushes me on through this tempestuous journey of life.  It motivates me to contend for the faith and call others to repentance.  Jesus is the Word of God.  Do you love Him? 


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