The Doom of Israel and 2013s Angry Beginnings

Let me back into my blog today.  I've been tossing around in my head the things I wanted to write as we start 2013 and now I'm going to toss it out there.

I am angry, we are angry here in the USA.  Research conducted by one of my extended family members indicates that our family first came to the shores of this once great nation in 1696.  We are of Scottish descent from my Mother's line.   However, like most Americans who have been in this country for that long, we are called Heinz 57 just a blend of many different people groups.  I won't be going back to Scotland -- I am an American.  Ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War (we've always lived in the South).  My father, uncles, brothers, husbands, son, fought or were in military service during WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraqi War.  So I am tied lock, stock and barrel to my country the USA.

OUR government or rather THE GOVERNMENT because it ceased being our government a long time ago -- takes our money and ignores our demands.  The polls they rely on are designed to elicit the response that they want.  So, when you hear that polls in America indicate that 6 in 10 Americans want stricter gun control . . . well don't believe the polls.

Will gun owners in America (we don't own any guns, yet) give up their weapons?  Doubtful, guns have always been a part of our lives.  I didn't grow up in a family with guns.  My father was an alcoholic, not a hunter.  But I have owned guns myself in the past.  I had a 22 rifle at one time which I got rid of so that neither I nor my first husband (a wife beating heorin addict, deceased) would use it to shoot each other and I had a 357 magnum that I got rid of because I didn't think I could kill a human being and send someone to Hell.  I daresay a large portion of Americans do own guns and most own more than one.  Especially, in areas where hunting is a huge passion.  The south probably has more guns because our weather is milder year round than the rest of the country; therefore, allowing for more hunting opportunities, plus most fowl fly south for the winter.

Another reason they won't turn in their guns is that a majority of our population fall into the category of baby boomers.  What exactly is a baby boomer?  We are the offspring of parents who fought in WWII and there are a lot of us.  We are also the rebels of the 50s and 60s.  We broke out into the drug and sex revolution.  Breaking all the laws covering illegal drugs and the moral laws we learned in church.  While the vast majority of us quit breaking the law and moral sex code as we aged we still have that mind set of rebellion in our hearts.

So, will we turn in our weapons?  The surge in gun and ammo purchases would indicate a resounding NO!

Why are we so angry?  Believe it or not this generation that is currently in power were raised in church.  Life is sacred and perversion is sinful yet our government has been allowing the murdering of the unborn for four decades and forcing us to pay for many of those abortions through Planned Parenthood.  Now the gay agenda is being forced down the throats of mainstream America, though they make up a small portion of our population.  But put those two huge issues aside which stir up tons of controversy all through our society, we are still angry, WHY?  It's our pocket books of course!  Our bank accounts, our houses the value of everything we own is being devalued so fast it is amazing.  Now we hear they want to take away our guns and tax us on every mile we drive -- THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE US -- WE PAY THEIR SALARIES -- and they are not listening to us and throwing OUR MONEY away!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This congress is driving the American People over the edge.  Our government sends billions of dollars around the world to every corrupt government on the planet.  That money doesn't help the people it is intended for, instead it is diverted into the pockets of rotten leaders around the world so they can live lavish lifestyles off the backs of the American taxpayer.  Most of those governments hate our guts and wish us dead.  Then there is the IMF - International Monetary Fund and the United Nations why are we funding them we are broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why are we funding anyone anywhere?  Why do we think we can even fund OBAMACARE which a majority of us also do not want.

Add insult to injury and you will probably find that a large group of Americans don't even believe our current President is legally eligible to be our President since out of his own mouth he said he was born in Kenya (to a Kenyan citizen).  Our Congress isn't impeaching him?  WHY?

The world is on a collision course with destiny and all that destiny is wrapped up and centered on the tiny tiny nation of Israel.  Hence the term the Doom of Israel.  So, is Israel doomed?  Well bad bad bad things are coming her way.  According to bible prophecy only 1 in 3 Israelis will survive the coming apocalyspe.  Compared to the destruction of the rest of the world as described in the Old Testament Prophets and the Book of Revelation those are better odds than the rest of the world.  So what is the Doom of Israel? 

The Doom of Israel is the fact that the very existence of Israel in our modern days signals the doom of this entire earth.

God was very clear that once He brought the Jewish people back into the land after the last disbursement among the nations that they would never be removed from that land again.  So, all the nations trying to divy up Israel will find no lasting success.   God also promised that the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua or Jesus Christ as He is known here in the Western world would rule from the throne of David in the city of Jerusalem.

So, that brings me to another angry issue!  I am fed up with Christians saying that the Jews in Israel aren't real Jews.  WHAT?  and that the land doesn't belong to the Jews.  WHAT?  Are they reading the same Bible that I read?

Right now we are in the book of Nehemiah.  He's been sent back into Israel by King Cyrus who overthrew the Babylonians to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the Temple.  WHY?  Because Cyrus KNEW that the city of Jerusalem belonged to the nation of Israel and the people of that Nation were/is the Jew(s) who had been taken into captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar.  This rebuilding occurred around 444 B.C.  Prior to this Israel came into the land and conquered it around 1400 B.C. give or take.  This is historical fact not a fairytale or fictional book.

The greatest threat to Israel when they first came into the land after the Exodus from Egypt were the Philistines.  This is where the name Palestine/ian originates.  The Philistines were of Greek descent and origin.  The name Palestine was given to Israel after the Romans burned the temple to the ground and renamed the land Palestine as an insult to the Jews and a reminder of their hated ancient enemies the Philistines.  The Jews that were not killed at this event were scattered all over the Roman Empire.

They're Back!  As foretold in scripture this link is provided for those who would like to read the pertinent Biblical passages.

For any Christian to claim that the land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem doesn't belong to the Jews is an effrontery to God and to His Written Word.  They are either woefully ignorant of God's Word, or actually think that God is stupid and does not know who it is that He has brought back into the land of Israel.  Which technically is impossible for an omniscient, omnipresent and  omnipotent God.

Why won't I go back to Scotland?  I'm just simply not interested, nor am I drawn there.  Would I like to visit someday?  Perhaps, but I really prefer warm climates with beaches where I can lay in the sun and water that is warm and in which I can swim.  Cold place, not so much.

Jews are being drawn back into the land by the supernatural forces of God that have tied them to the land for millenia.  Why else would anyone in their right mind want to go to one of the most contested places on earth?  A place destined for the whole world to come against.

So, if you are in the faith of Jesus Christ it is time you got on God's page and acknowledged the truth of His Word.  Quit second guessing the scriptures in lieu of written garbage by fallen mankind.  If you can't believe God then you had better give yourself a thorough check-up to make sure you are actually in the faith.  I recommend the Gospel of John and the Book of Romans for a salvation check-up.  Remember that in the last days even the very elect can be deceived.  Jesus asked the question "Will I find Faith, when I return."

When anger threatens to overwhelm me, I just remember, I am living in the time of the end and that my redemption is drawing nigh.  So, I tend to look up, instead of around at the events transpiring in this collapsing world.

You can bet your bottom dollar that everything that was prewritten about the Jews in the past came to pass just as it was prewritten then.  Everything about Jesus first coming was prewritten and came to pass.  So, you can bank on everything prewritten about the Jew at the end of this age, the Gentiles at the end of this age and Jesus at the end of this age and the Millenial Kingdom is coming to pass and shall come to pass in reality just as it was prewritten.


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