What is in a name? "Twilight's" name game.
Everything! The meaning of my name truly personifies me. I always like to arrange the meanings of names into a cohesive thought which by neccessity sometimes takes the name out of it's given order. Fortunate but bitter rope that constrains would be the cohesive meaning for my given names but it is in reverse order with my surname, middle name and first name last.
So what is in the name Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.
Edward is translated rich guard and while there was no clear meaning for Anthony the best I could find was flourishing. Masen is another spelling for Mason which means stone worker. Masons are actually a society of people with esoteric practices known only to its members. The true meanings of those practices are known only to the highest of initiates. Masons could also be considered the architects then of not only the buildings they built but the symbols that are dispersed throughout those structures. Cullen was in and of itself an enigma with the meaning ranging from chieftan, handsome, descendant of the son of the holy one, back of a lake, dweller near the wood or the holly.
Considering the supernatural source of "Twilight" I believe and accurate meaning for Edward Anthony Masen Cullen would be a son of the holy one who is a chief guard of masonic or rich and flourishing ancient secrets.
Isabella Marie Swan was much easier to flesh out but it was even more shocking than I could imagine. Isabella means pledged to God. Marie means bitter and Swan means to sound or to sing. My interpretation is to sing a bitter pledge to God.
Considering my opinion that this book "Twilight" is a supernatural message, then I look beyond the surface and the individual characters to understand the message.
When you combine the two names of Edward and Isabella I believe you are getting a picture of Lucifer/Satan "the anointed cherub that covereth" of Ezekiel 28:14. Isabella's name I believe further signifies Satan's attitude that caused him to fall -- the five deadly I wills -- Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
So, do I think that Satan himself gave Stephenie Meyer the dream and information that would become the "Twilight Saga?" I have thought about that and I believe that a messenger of Satan was in charge of giving her the material. The reason I think it was a messenger instead of Satan himself was the degree that the Edward in her second dream was put out with her about the human blood. It had the sound of a failed directive by an underling rather than an encounter with the actual authority behind the directive.
Why bother -- why on earth would Satan care about a bunch of teenage girls going beserk over a fictional vampire. Really, teenage girls? Well that will take some explaining and this is enough for one day!
So what is in the name Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.
Edward is translated rich guard and while there was no clear meaning for Anthony the best I could find was flourishing. Masen is another spelling for Mason which means stone worker. Masons are actually a society of people with esoteric practices known only to its members. The true meanings of those practices are known only to the highest of initiates. Masons could also be considered the architects then of not only the buildings they built but the symbols that are dispersed throughout those structures. Cullen was in and of itself an enigma with the meaning ranging from chieftan, handsome, descendant of the son of the holy one, back of a lake, dweller near the wood or the holly.
Considering the supernatural source of "Twilight" I believe and accurate meaning for Edward Anthony Masen Cullen would be a son of the holy one who is a chief guard of masonic or rich and flourishing ancient secrets.
Isabella Marie Swan was much easier to flesh out but it was even more shocking than I could imagine. Isabella means pledged to God. Marie means bitter and Swan means to sound or to sing. My interpretation is to sing a bitter pledge to God.
Considering my opinion that this book "Twilight" is a supernatural message, then I look beyond the surface and the individual characters to understand the message.
When you combine the two names of Edward and Isabella I believe you are getting a picture of Lucifer/Satan "the anointed cherub that covereth" of Ezekiel 28:14. Isabella's name I believe further signifies Satan's attitude that caused him to fall -- the five deadly I wills -- Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
So, do I think that Satan himself gave Stephenie Meyer the dream and information that would become the "Twilight Saga?" I have thought about that and I believe that a messenger of Satan was in charge of giving her the material. The reason I think it was a messenger instead of Satan himself was the degree that the Edward in her second dream was put out with her about the human blood. It had the sound of a failed directive by an underling rather than an encounter with the actual authority behind the directive.
Why bother -- why on earth would Satan care about a bunch of teenage girls going beserk over a fictional vampire. Really, teenage girls? Well that will take some explaining and this is enough for one day!