Twilight the Saga from an Angel of Light
I am a newcomer to the Twilight Saga and it is understandable why the fascination has raged for six years. Vampires live for millenia so why shouldn't the storyline? I found it interesting and revealing that Stephenie Meyer opened the book "Twilight" with the fall of man from Genesis Chapter 2. However, I think she left out the most important point of that passage,
"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. . ." Genesis 2:1.
What is "subtil?" First, it is the archaic spelling of the modern word subtle which according to my trusty Webster means
1. thin; tenuous; not dense 2. making fine distinctions or marked by mental keeness 3. delicately skillful; deft 4. crafty; sly 5. not grossly obvious 6. not easily detected.
I believe all of those can easily be applied to the character, Edward Cullen, not to be confused with the actor, Robert Pattinson, who plays the part of Edward Cullen. But whose pattern or template really is Edward Cullen? The book actually reveals the truth if you understand the message.
Have you been mesmerized by Edward Cullen? Did you earnestly beseech the powers that be for an Edward Cullen to show up in your dreams, at the foot of your bed, at twilight in a secluded spot? To your amazement you were granted your wish. Now your "Edward" has advanced from your dreams to that time between sleeping and waking. Instead of sweetness you find yourself paralyzed with a terrible dread of evil. The victim of an evil entity. Has a vileness entered your dream states and you are unable to free yourself from it's grasp? The thought of coming upon your "Edward" in a secluded spot is a point of horror in your mind.
There is a term for that state of paralysis and there is a cure. The state is called sleep paralysis -- the cure is a little more difficult. Once you start your research you will find there is only one name that stops these episodes. You may not like that name, you may think I am bizarre and perhaps even unhinged. There is documentation and I too have been a victim of sleep paralysis though not in response to the Twilight Saga. That name is Jesus.
That name has freed me more than once from the viselike grip of an evil entity. Sometimes the evil is unseen, sometimes it is seen but its malevolent hatred of me never changes.
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