The Great Solar Eclipse of April 2024
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In the last few months, I've had various people ask me about the significance if any of the upcoming solar eclipse in April. My standard answer has been, I don't need a solar eclipse to tell me America is under the judgment of God, or that Jesus is coming soon, the Tribulation is in the near future and that all Hell in every possible form is going to break loose one day on this earth.
This is what I currently see. Perverts are taking away the rights of parents in various states to prevent parents from interfering with perverts trying to change the sex of said parent's child and to indoctrinate children into a perverted sexual curriculum being introduced in the kindergarten level, so perverts have someone to pervert. The medical and pharmaceutical industries are onboard the pervert/mutilation train too.
We have an actual traitor and criminal and nut job as our President and the supposed good guys in the government have been completely unable to remove him. This despite the fact he has committed all these actions up close and public for the entire world to see.
This is what I currently see. The churches are also filled with perverts and the money hungry wolves of the prosperity gospel and the kingdom now people who think Christians are going to take over the world for Christ and then Jesus will come back, and they will hand Him the Key to the Kingdom. And the church is filled with goats posing as sheep licking it all up.
This is what I currently see. The economy is about to collapse globally. When that happens Central Bank Digital Currency will be ushered in, closely followed by a global social credit score, which means if you don't do what you're told your Central Bank Digital Currency will be cut off.
The food supply is being destroyed and genetically modified globally, which means the hungry are going to get hungrier and the masses are going to get sicker with all the crap they are putting in the food supply. The globalists are hell bent on destroying the environment with idiotic ideas such as dimming the sun, cutting down the trees, getting rid of farts and trust me they are coming after your farts too, not just cow farts.
This is what I currently see, America has sent a boat load of our weapons to Ukraine, along with a boat load of our money, not to mention the boat load of weapons left in Afghanistan which are going to be used against us when the sh!t hits the fan. The only thing we will have to defend ourselves with are all the Southern people who own guns. All the while leaving our borders wide open and giving all our money to illegal aliens. And telling Israel to straighten up, fly right, and give those Gazans another part of Israel to trash.
What I see would fill a book, but what I recommend is read the only Book that tells the future, that would be the Bible. Because the Bible said that in the latter days GOD, would bring HIS people ISRAEL back into the land HE gave them and deal with them there. HE is bringing them back to deal with them because they rejected their MESSIAH, YESHUA. And last time I looked ISRAEL is back in THEIR land. Israel, the land, does not belong to a bunch of Gazans who follow a false religion that didn't even come into being until around 600 AD. So, to all the ignorant people who don't know history the Jews have been in Israel 40 years after they left Egypt which would have been about 1400 BC. So, it's been Israel's land for a long time.
And finally, the Bible is very clear that the entire world would come against Israel at a time when the day of the Lord was near -Zechariah 12:3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth gather against her, I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who would heave it away will be severely injured. Well, here we are. Is anything going to happen during the solar eclipse, I'm not God and I don't know. But I don't need an eclipse to tell me this world is in deep kimchee. Look up our redemption is drawing nigh!
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