
Showing posts from 2024

A Biblical Case for Our Beloved Pets in Heaven

  I Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him" Nothing crushes my heart more than to hear a preacher/teacher of God's Word say our animals will not be raptured with those of us who are alive or that our pets will not join us in Heaven.  They have many reasons why they say this, but I also have many reasons why I believe they are wrong! When my husband and I got married, I lived in Mississippi and he lived in Texas.  After our honeymoon in Florida we stopped in Mississippi loaded up my furniture and belongings in the U-Haul and my cat in the car.  We all arrived safely in Texas and my husband did not say to me - "Sorry, Honey, your cat can't come."  So, right there on a purely practical level as the Bride of Christ does anyone really think that Jesus Christ is so seriously cruel He is going to leave behind the beloved pets of His Bride? But this is a...

The Great Solar Eclipse of April 2024

I n the last few months, I've had various people ask me about the significance if any of the upcoming solar eclipse in April. My standard answer has been, I don't need a solar eclipse to tell me America is under the judgment of God, or that Jesus is coming soon, the Tribulation is in the near future and that all Hell in every possible form is going to break loose one day on this earth. This is what I currently see. Perverts are taking away the rights of parents in various states to prevent parents from interfering with perverts trying to change the sex of said parent's child and to indoctrinate children into a perverted sexual curriculum being introduced in the kindergarten level, so perverts have someone to pervert. The medical and pharmaceutical industries are onboard the pervert/mutilation train too. We have an actual traitor and criminal and nut job as our President and the supposed good guys in the government have been completely unable to remove him. This despit...