Is the Image of the Beast ready? antichrist rising?
The world as we know it has completely turned upside down in just a short twenty-one months. We've gone from being free in the western world, to being chained in a myriad of ways.
The Biblically literate are watching in astonishment as they see the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Zachariah, Jeremiah and on and on through the prophetic portions of scripture come to life.
We know there are many components to the final seven years of the earth in this period called grace. There will be a global government. There will be a global economy. There will be a global religion.
What has been missing all these millennials since the prophets wrote things they could not understand or fathom? TECHNOLOGY!
Without the sophisticated technology of today there is no way to have those three things.
There are also three other major components. There will be an antigod, an antichrist and an anti-holy spirit. But there is a fourth thing that goes with these three, it is called the image of the beast. The false prophet also known as the anti-holy spirit will instruct the earth dwellers (humans) to construct an image of the beast. Meet The Giant - the world’s tallest moving statue, built by Irish hands | The Irish Post You will find this in verses 14 and 15.
Whether the "giant selfie" is the actual beast is questionable, simply because there is no beast ruling the earth. But the reality is, mankind has the technology to make giant images that speak and move. People can now be bigger than life and worship self and anything else that deserves their homage. I can't help but think of the giant image Nebuchadnezzar had made of himself and demanded everyone worship his statue or be thrown into the fiery furnace. Or the vision Daniel had of the four kingdoms which are always depicted as a giant statue.
Here we are in a technical world that can only go on so long before AI takes over mankind. Think the Terminator movies.
We are running out of time. Our world is overlapping God's prophetic scriptures as never before. The next event is the Rapture of the Church. As long as the Church is here the Tribulation cannot begin. However, all projects require preliminary work. When one builds a house, there is excavation, layout, plumbing, foundation, frame up, electrical and on and on until the house is finally finished and ready to be occupied. This world is being prepared to be occupied by the antichrist and his minions, the globalist. Where we are in this building project is anyone's guess, but the globalist are working overtime to bring their dreams of ruling the world on Satan's behalf. I truly believe they are actually waiting in great anticipation for the Rapture for all Hell to break loose on the earth. Sadly, I fear they believe in the Rapture more than many "Christians" do. Why do I say this? Satan knows scripture better than mankind. He knows God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit personally. Those that channel "ascended masters" aka demons constantly say there is coming a point in time when people will disappear from the earth. Satan and his demons believe God's word, but "Christians" don't.
I don't know if you are saved or unsaved, but it's time to make that decision today. Jesus may come at any moment. Don't put off today making Jesus Lord and Savior of your life.
How do you do that? First, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, God in the Flesh. Second, He died on a cross an innocent sin free sacrifice for the sin of all mankind. Third, that He arose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father to never die again. Receive His blood sacrifice for your sins, it's a free gift and be saved. Then find a bible and start reading about your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your sins have been forgiven. He has paid the price and ransomed you from Hell.