
Showing posts from September, 2021

Is the Image of the Beast ready? antichrist rising?

The world as we know it has completely turned upside down in just a short twenty-one months.  We've gone from being free in the western world, to being chained in a myriad of ways.   The Biblically literate are watching in astonishment as they see the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Zachariah, Jeremiah and on and on through the prophetic portions of scripture come to life. We know there are many components to the final seven years of the earth in this period called grace.  There will be a global government.  There will be a global economy.  There will be a global religion. What has been missing all these millennials since the prophets wrote things they could not understand or fathom?  TECHNOLOGY! Without the sophisticated technology of today there is no way to have those three things. There are also three other major components.  There will be an antigod, an antichrist and an anti-holy spirit.  But there is a fourth t...

Jesus! Coming for us soon!

  It's really hard not to be depressed in these days in which we find ourselves living! And not being a person who generally speaking, suffers from depression, it's been a bummer. But somewhere in the last few days I started feeling better. Yes, we're at the end. Yes, things may become worse and worse. But I find myself getting so excited!! First, I'm about to hear my Lord and Savior SHOUT! And then the Voice of the Arch Angel is going to sound! Followed by the trumpet of God! The dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are alive and remain will meet them in the air to ascend to Heaven with JESUS!! I'll get to see my family and friends that have gone on before me!! I'll get to see my room in the Father's house that Jesus has built just for me!!!! And I'll get to see all my beloved animals that God sent to walk through this life with me. I won't be bound by this mortal body anymore!! I wont' hurt or age or have to go to the dentist...