The Super Sign of the Rapture

I just finished Aftershocks, by Jeff Kinley. I couldn't help but consider a statement he made about Noah's Ark and how for approximately 75 years Noah was building that Ark. Warning people that God's judgment was coming and they needed to repent and join him in the Ark. Then one day, the animals came and entered the Ark, Noah and his family entered the Ark and GOD CLOSED THE DOOR! And then came the world wide flood. A real event, the evidence of the flood is in the WORLDWIDE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. The entirety of humanity and the animal kingdom was destroyed, except for those safe in the Ark. The Ark was the super sign of Noah's day.

God told us in His written Word that there is coming another worldwide judgment of His Wrath on a God rejecting world. He told us that time would come, when He brought Israel (the Jews) back into the land He gave them. He's doing this to deal with His people, for them it is "The Time of Jacob's Trouble," for the gentile world it is the Wrath of God aka The Tribulation.
For almost 75 years the entire world has been watching one tiny nation, Israel, the Super Sign of the Rapture. We've watched as time and again people groups have tried to destroy Israel. Yet, against all odds, they grow stronger and stronger as a nation and every year more and more Jews go home to Israel.
And people like me have been saying for years, Jesus is coming, the Rapture is just around the corner. Now, we're shouting it from the roof tops, because we know what God's Word says and we know that God will fulfill His Word.

So, if you're a Jew, you have one way to escape the time of Jacob's Trouble, you don't even have to go through that time! Just open the Old Testament and read Isaiah 52 and 53 and Psalm 22 it is the prophecy of your Coming Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God. He had to come first as the suffering Messiah but He is about to return as Conquering King. It's necessary for you to call on the Name of the Lord, Yeshua, and accept Him as your Messiah. When Yeshua descends from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God you will be caught up with all believers in Yeshua and removed from the earth to Heaven to wait out the time of Jacob's Trouble.
If you're a gentile, non-Jew, your time is running out also. Escape, the Wrath of God, before the Tribulation begins!
Time grows ever shorter. Day by day the world is growing more insane and now there seems to be nothing sacred anymore. Now, children are the main targets of evil. Children at one time were considered off limits for perversion and sex. Only, evil pedophiles dared touch children in secret and hoped they didn't get caught. Now, children are the up front targets for all manner of sexual perversion. They are being indoctrinated into sexual activity at kindergarten level in the public schools systems. They are being introduced to pornography in some public schools. They are given hormone blockers at almost any age to keep them from maturing into the sex they were born and then being mutilated to another gender. They are being taken to Drag Queen Story time at local libraries and even some churches. The Drag Queens look and often act as though they are demons. And parents submit their children to this demonic activity.

Recently, in the United States Congress a bill was put forth to ban experimentation of human to animal DNA blending and the bill was rejected by the majority. God forbids the mixing of DNA between species. Man's hatred for God and disdain for His Word is being demonstrated at an alarming rate.

Jesus told us the time of His return would be like birth pains. I'm pretty sure the water has broken. I often hear people comment that things have always been bad and men have always been evil. That is true, but never in the history of man has the technology existed to control the entire world population. Well, here we are, and due to a much hyped pandemic from last year, the world is being shoved into a digital currency, a social credit system, a global governance.

Another consideration, soon the US government is going to declassify the material on UFOs that has been kept from the American people. I'm sure the rest of the world governments will follow suit. What better way to explain away the disappearance of millions from around the world? The aliens beamed them up and the old phrase from the Star Trek series "beam me up Scotty" won't be used in jest anymore. For years the "ascended masters" have informed their devotees, that an event will occur when millions will be removed from the planet. The "ascended masters" are demons channeled by their followers. Even the demons know there will be a rapture one day, they just don't know when.

How much longer will God tolerate this insane evil? God has a cup of His indignation that is filled with His Wrath. How much longer before the World at large has outraged a Holy and Just God and filled His cup to overflowing with offenses? One day that cup is going to spill over on the earth. Don't be here on that day. Call on the name of Jesus Christ and be saved!
May be an image of nature, coast and ocean


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