
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Super Sign of the Rapture

I just finished Aftershocks, by Jeff Kinley. I couldn't help but consider a statement he made about Noah's Ark and how for approximately 75 years Noah was building that Ark. Warning people that God's judgment was coming and they needed to repent and join him in the Ark. Then one day, the animals came and entered the Ark, Noah and his family entered the Ark and GOD CLOSED THE DOOR! And then came the world wide flood. A real event, the evidence of the flood is in the WORLDWIDE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. The entirety of humanity and the animal kingdom was destroyed, except for those safe in the Ark. The Ark was the super sign of Noah's day. God told us in His written Word that there is coming another worldwide judgment of His Wrath on a God rejecting world. He told us that time would come, when He brought Israel (the Jews) back into the land He gave them. He's doing this to deal with His people, for them it is "The Time of Jacob's Trouble," for the genti...