It's spring here in the deep south.  The trumpet vines and wisteria are blooming in the woods and our gardens are coming alive with Gerber daisies, amaryllis, dogwoods, azaleas.  The migratory birds and hummingbirds are showing up at our feeders and the hike/bike trail is filled with runners, walkers, bikers, husbands, wives, friends and families.

It's spring break here too, and the beaches were just filled with tourist, but now they are barricaded and closed.  We've filled our freezer with meat and started our vegetable garden.  If we find toilet paper we buy what we can and make sure family and friends have some too.  In just a few short weeks life has totally changed with no end in sight.

I can't help but think about 911.  In September it will be nineteen years since that event.  The greatest country in the world was brought to her knees.  Why is/was America the greatest country in the world?  Because God allowed us to become the most free, giving, wealth laden country, we shipped the Gospel out via missionaries all over the world.  Individual citizens and our nation give freely to all types of humanitarian aid globally.  We're an amazing country and persons from all over the world have immigrated here and found success and acceptance and now call this amazing country their own.

But what happened at 911 when we found our nation crippled by a very small number of people and a few airplanes?  We ran to where we always run when in trouble - to church - to God.  The churches in America filled up.  You could literally ask people what caused them to come back to church and even years later they would say, 911.

In those almost nineteen years have we become a more reverent people? a people holding God in fear and trembling? respecting God and believing that His Word is literal and to be heeded?  Have we become more dedicated to spreading the Truth of His Word and calling all sinners everywhere to Repentance and Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ?

NO, NO, NO!!!

We have become more Godless! and that's the churches.  Instead of the pastors being faithful to preach God's Word, they have become all inclusive, politically correct leaders of pagans, who come to their social clubs on Sundays so they can feel good about themselves and pretend they are still "Christians!"

Since, 911, there are churches dedicated and lead by unrepentant homosexuals and lesbians and now transgenders are finding their way into churches dressed in drag reading "stories" to children who are supposed to be trained in the ways of the Lord, not the ways of sexual perversion.  Isn't it strange that there are no churches dedicated to the unrepentant adulterers or fornicators, where are their churches?

Is it any surprise then that coronavirus has closed are greatly diminished the gathering of "Christians" together?

For those that don't know a thing about the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ, this is what is going to happen:

1.  Society is going to be corralled, so that no man can buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

How does that happen?  A chipped and cashless society.  All persons will be able to be tracked, and without cash your chip will be the only way to buy or sell.  That will eventually lead to a person having to pledge allegiance and accept the Mark of the Beast to buy and sell.  Then your chip without his Mark will be useless.  Or the old chip will be replaced with the Beast chip.  That is an unknown as of yet.  A lot of countries are well on their way to being cashless and chipped.  A lot of third world citizens have already been chipped through the Gates Foundation vaccination program and they are already planning to include chips in the coronavirus vaccine.  They are saying that coronavirus is transmitted via paper money and China is holding, washing, disinfecting paper money.  How easy would it be for them to say, "No more paper money?"  They already have their social credit system in place and that is why I personally think China is the first of the ten Nations of the Beast System rising.

2.  A global government.  Already, great strides have been made to create a global government and look how easy coronavirus has made it to have global mandates around the world, i.e. safe distance, stay home, close schools, no flights in and out of countries with large coronavirus outbreaks, restaurants closed, churches closed, universities shut down, the list goes on and on and this is worldwide.

3.  The church, comprising true Christians, needs to be removed from the earth.  That will be the big thing that throws the entire world into a panic and will make it easy for the first two things to become a fait accompli.

So, it's time to ask yourself, is what I have posted above resonating inside of your heart and mind and soul?  If so it's time for you to make a decision to call upon the name of Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach.  Yes, He's the Jewish messiah prophesied to save the Jews and all who will call on His name.  Turn from your sin, repent and ask Jesus Christ to save you and become Lord of your Life.  The great and terrible day of God's wrath is coming to this planet very soon!

A final note to all Jews, for you the Tribulation is known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble.  In order to escape the most horrific time ever for the Jewish population you must call on the Name of the Lord, Yeshua Hamashiach.  You don't have to go through the Time of Jacob's Trouble.  Read the prophets, Jesus/ Yeshua is your promised Messiah/ Hamashiach!


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