These things must come to pass!
I fully believe we are at the end of this age. Jesus Christ instructs us not to be alarmed. It's hard to not be alarm when we see the increasing chaos and violence in our cities and towns, our politics, our borders, the world. It is a constant cacophony of chaos assaulting our minds.
We try and escape into the various multi-media platforms at our fingertips. We need to escape into the Word of God to keep us centered and focused.
Everything that is occurring is ordered by God's Word and it is happening and will continue to escalate.
Matthew 24:4-8
1. See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray -- the actual Word of God, which is a form of Christ (see John 1:1), is no longer taught in many pulpits or has been transformed into a perverted text of social justice and diversity instead of preaching Salvation and Repentance through Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross. Many "Christians" have already embraced the New Social Justice Gospel and abandoned the full counsel and true Word of God.
2. Wars and rumors of wars. Across the globe there is a constant threat of war among a constantly varying group of nations.
3. SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT ALARMED, FOR THIS MUST TAKE PLACE, BUT THE END IS NOT YET. We are going to have to endure . . . and you're not going to do that without reading your Bibles. God's Word is the only thing that will get any of us through this.
4. Nation will rise against nation. On our Southern borders we have the peoples of various other nations rising against us demanding our Nation fulfill the obligations that their Nations refuse to fulfill. Europe has been dealing with this on a greater scale for several years now and it is ever increasing here and in other countries. And the Nations are trying to deal with this through many means including removing funding and adding sanctions against those Nations who refuse to control their escaping/invading populations into other Nations.
5. Kingdom against kingdom. In many ways the political parties, the globalist, the nationalist could all be considered Kingdoms. There is such a horrific and chaotic power struggle occurring worldwide. It's not going to stop.
6 Famines and earthquakes and I'll throw in volcanoes because there is often a symbiotic relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes. This one needs not explanation or elaboration.
7. Beginning of birth pains - I personally think we're well past the beginning.
I don't look to a human being, I am depending on God fulfilling His Prophetic Word and sending the Messiah.