The Case for the Reprobate Mind


Everywhere I look, I see madness, mayhem and violence.  The minds of a vast portion of humanity seems to be frozen, with icy jagged edges unable to reason.  Jesus told us that when He returned, the earth would be filled with these things. 

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 

Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

We are given a description of the reprobate mind in Romans 1:29-32.  I am listing the markers of a reprobate mind below.  The list starts off with the statement "Being filled with all . . .

  • unrighteousness
  • fornication
  • wickedness
  • covetousness
  • maliciousness
  • full of envy
  • murder
  • debate
  • deceit
  • malignity
  • whisperers
  • backbiters
  • haters of God
  • despiteful
  • proud
  • boasters
  • inventors of evil things
  • disobedient to parents
  • without understanding
  • covenant breakers
  • without natural affection
  • implacable
  • unmerciful
And the list is finished off with the following verse

Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them.

And what makes a mind reprobate?  Those who do the following:

Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen

Never have I seen mankind worshipping and serving the creation more than I do now.  Humanity has become so selfish and self-serving it is almost beyond comprehension.

We have a new President in the USA.  This election cycle has been the most vitriolic in American History.  There has been unbelievable maliciousness and viciousness.  In large suburban areas you hardly saw any political posters indicating the candidate who would receive your vote.  Why?  There was a real and honest fear of having your property vandalized, destroyed or being viciously attacked by the opposing party.  The majority of those deeds were committed by those on the far left.

The final two candidates, to the horror of decent Americans, had so much dirt and sleaze attributed to them that it was hard for many to go out and vote for either. 

Now that our President has been sworn into office the violence and protests continue, even overseas.  The world has reached a new level of insanity with the simple election of Donald J. Trump to the American Presidency.  I don't recall any President being so publically attacked and threatened by so many with personal harm to him and his family.  I can only hope that as many as possible will be arrested.

We are a country divided and that division does not seem to be going away anytime soon.

In this modern time, the USA has been one of the main purveyors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World.  Who knows how many bibles and missionaries have been sent from this country to the pagan world?  But we have also been the main purveyors of evil to the entire world through the works of Hollywood.

From children to the elderly evil is afoot everywhere.  It used to not be so.  Yes, there has always been evil, but it was evil that was hidden behind closed doors in fear that the evildoer would be found out and brought to justice.  Now the evil is shouted from the rooftops, published on every social media available, shoved in the faces of societies everywhere.

All of creation is groaning for redemption.  The earth is shaking, heaving, erupting, collapsing, roaring.  Meteors, coronal mass ejections, energy waves from outer space are bombarding the earth.  Animals of every kind are dying off in MASS deaths.  Economies, societies, countries are collapsing at an unbelievable rate.  Morals and manners seem to be a thing of the past.  Women have no problem paying or demanding that governments pay to have their own flesh and blood heinously dismembered and suctioned out of their own bodies.  Children are cruel and murderous to other children.  Humanity is unbelievably cruel and merciless to animals.  Everywhere I look there is nothing but chaos.

I sit here today and wonder how much longer the Lord God Almighty will allow these things to continue.  How much longer before the Wrath of the Creator of the Universe will fall on this planet?

Surely, the evidence for the reprobate minds occupying the earth is overwhelming and indicates that the coming of Jesus Christ is surely on the Horizon.


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