Why Donald Trump - The U.S.A. election results.
The free world seems stunned by Donald Trumps big win here in the U.S.A. If you are one of the "stunned ones," perhaps you have been following all the rhetoric concerning our new President-elect, Donald Trump. I'm just a regular person, probably a lot like you. I'll give you my take on this election and maybe you'll understand a little better how this enigma occurred. Americans come from everywhere. Some of us can trace our families entrance to this great land back before it was a nation. Most people arrived on these shores with the hope of having a new start. Our amazing government and freedoms to rise as high as any individual would wish to rise was birthed from those desires and hopes for freedom. Like any government over the centuries, our government has become corrupt. Run by narcissist, interested only in what they can get for themselves. However, we the people, don't see them as our rulers but as our servants. By and ...