The Death of the USA
If you know anything about American politics, you know we have a saying "Rhino." Rhino means: Republican in name only. In other words if you are tagged a Rhino it means you do not stand nor vote the true Republican views of conservatism. God, Country and Guns could probably best sum up the traditional Republican views. Politically speaking however; it is quite evident by the horrible mess our country is in that our conservative party is filled with Rhinos and obviously has been for a long time - decades. We didn't get to this point overnight and we've had 20 years of Republican Presidents and 12 years of Democratic Presidents in the last 32. So, it is obvious whether the congress is controlled by Democrats or Republicans and whether we have a Democrat or a Republican President -- our leaders have been selling us down the river. If you're not familiar with the term "selling us down the river" it is a reference to American Slavery. I hon...