"Fletch Lives" unfortunately it's in most of your local churches!
"Fletch Lives" was released in 1989. It is a silly Chevy Chase movie set in south Louisiana. It is a combination parody of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and Jim and Tammy Baker. Fletch demonstrates the deception employed in so many churches today while showing the people attending those churches to be easy marks taken in by all the glitz and showmanship of the hawkers (pastors and their staff). One problem with the modern day church attendee is that because the "pastor" is a "Christian" surely he will not tell a lie and break one of the big ten on the commandment list. NOthing could be further from the truth -- modern pastors will say anything to get YOUR MONEY. If you want to see what fools fill church pews today just grab a bag of popcorn and rent "Fletch Lives." If it is too close for comfort to the church you are attending - have some gumption -- leave that church and try to find one that is teaching the bible in CONTEXT....