
Showing posts from September, 2020

Louder Black Voices for America

  The United States of America is at a burning crossroads and the Devil is trying to have his day here.  We are one of the last bastions of freedom and the ability to achieve greatness as individuals, which elevates all of us. At this crossroads, we will either freefall into chaos and anarchy, or  recommit to all that is good and right about this country. Right now there are black, brown, red, yellow and white voices shouting, burning, looting, murdering across America.  Their voices are saying, "America is a racist, capitalist, unfair monster that purposefully endeavors to keep the have nots down, poor and ignorant." There could be nothing further from the truth and the immigration both legal and illegal shout that truth.  Everyone and their brother clambers at the doors of America begging to come in.  No sane person would want to immigrate to a racists monster of a country.  Do you see people banging on the doors of China or Russia or Iran for entry?...