China, First kingdom of the Antichrist Rising?

Today, I watched several you tube videos on the Social Credit System in China. According to one video, they really started getting serious about this system in 2014. Here we are almost six years later and the Social Credit System is in full swing. The Chinese government plans on it being completely on line in 2020 which is only three months away. The reality that a country with a population of 1,435,207,707, has a system in place to monitor the majority of its citizens, is simply mind boggling. So one has to ask the question, if the most largely populated country on the planet has a monitoring system in place to rate their citizens, how quickly can the rest of the world be put on a similar system? For instance England has CCV cameras everywhere, how quickly can the software be updated and implemented for a Social Credit System? If you know anything about the Club of Rome, you know that they have the world divided into 10 regions or kingdoms....