Left Behind or Lead Astray - a sad commentary on the state of the church today.
Everything in this world is upside down including the church, which should be the one shining bright spot in all the world! The recent shootings of five Dallas police officers preceded by the death of two black men by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota have got the country in an uproar. The church is also in an uproar over many things. The most recent for me is something I stumbled upon by accident, a new movie produced by Good Fight Ministries, "Left Behind or Led Astray." The trailer from this movie indicates that the content endeavors to prove that the teaching of a pre-trib rapture stems from occultic and demonic sources. According to the trailer the pre-trib rapture theory was a new teaching developed in the 1800s by men of questionable character. I take exception to all these claims. I had never even heard of these people named in the video until the last few years. I hold my pre-trib views based on forty years of bible study. I have...