
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Dividing Line Between Christian and Jew - The Diety of Jesus Christ - Part I

It is astonishing to me, that there are many Christians across the globe who do not believe the Biblical Truth concerning the Jewish people.  The Truth that God has a Covenant with the Jews that He will not break.  God according to His Own Word has unfinished business with the Jewish people and has brought them back into their land, the LAND He gave them, ISRAEL (see Ezekiel Chapter 37).  If Christians would simply READ their BIBLES and accept it at face value, they would see the truth.  Replacement theology, the thought that the Christian Church has replaced the Jewish people in God's covenant is a figment of a Satanic imagination. It is also astonishing to me on the flip side of that same coin, that the Jewish people have not diligently studied God's Word to ascertain if Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Mashiach and if indeed He is God in the Flesh and therefore, deity and divine.  However, considering the Prophet Isaiah's instructions from the Lor...

62 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Drugs, Witchcraft, & Satan...


David Hocking - Case for Pretribulationism Part 3


61 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Wicked Atheism

Time to get ready, Jesus is coming so very soon!

50 Shades of Grey - another ploy to destroy!

I have not read these books, nor seen the movie, nor do I plan too.  My favorite topic is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and I have little time for any other type of reading.  If you've visited my blog extensively you have probably seen my intensive examination of the "Twilight" series.  I started that investigation when I learned that a vampire was being used as an example of Jesus Christ in Christian teaching materials for young woman in churches across America. Here we go again - but this time instead of being chaste for a fallen angel/demonic being, this is encouraging all types of immoral sexual behavior. I came across this blog in my emails I get from a Christian Website.  So, I am posting it here for your reading.  It leads to many other links. Daily, I search the latest post on You Tube to track what is going on in this earth as it relates to Biblical End Times Prophecy.  We are drawing very close to the end of the times of the Gentiles...

David Hocking - Case for Pretribulationism Part 1

Really great teaching on the pre-tribulation nature of the rapture.  Especially, in light of how dark the days are becoming.

60 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Wicked Behavior - Billy Crone


59 - The Final Countdown (Update) UFO's & the Vatican - Billy Crone
