Link to an update on Global castrophes.
I constantly search You Tube for the latest from Bible Prophecy Conferences. I'm not sure when this particular conference was held but it seems fairly recent. Here's the link the Red River Bible Conference and this particular session is with Billy Crone giving an overview of global events that relate to Bible Prophecy. I hope you enjoy. As many of you know Comet Linear will be passing between the Earth and the Moon early Saturday morning, May 24th. Central time is between 1:00-3:00 a.m. to view the meteor shower that will accompany this Comet. NASA is saying that meteors will probably strike the Moon. I say, what is going to keep them from also striking the Earth? The Coming of Jesus Christ grows nearer every single day. Please give your life to Jesus Christ so you will not have to endure or die in the horror that The Tribulation will bring to Earth and the people who are left here. Th...