
Showing posts from August, 2012

Wolfsbane, Aconite and A Christian

Words are so interesting, especially when you begin to research them.  I am thankful to Webster for his dictionary.  When we were children my mother had a huge unabridged dictionary.  The youngest son in our family was surrounded by girls.  There were nine children in our family.  The oldest was a boy followed by five girls then another boy followed by two more girls.  In order to get what he wanted my brother often resorted to his physically superior power over us girls.  My brother is over 6 feet tall.  Most of the girls are 5' 2" or shorter but I am almost 5' 9".  One afternoon he wanted to watch "Combat" but my short sister who was older than him was watching something else and would not cede the TV to my brother.  Soon a wrestling match ensued and the baby sister and I jumped in on my older sister's behalf.  Realizing quickly that even the three of us could not subdue my brother I reached for the unabridged dictionary...

A Most Excellent Sermon to test true Salvation

This link will lead you to a sermon by Paul Washer.  It will challenge you to examine your heart in light of the Word of God to see if you are truly saved.

The Roman Road vs. Roaming the Roads

Summer is winding away here on the Gulf Coast of Texas.  We are blessed with summer breezes flowing in from the Gulf of Mexico.  It is never quite as hot near open waters as it is further inland.  It's funny that I have spent my life along the I-10 corridor from Mississippi to Texas to Louisiana to Mississippi and back to Texas again. Being raised in the Bible Belt doesn't mean you were raised in church but the chances are pretty good.  Yes, I was raised in church.  In church you are taught the Roman Road to Salvation, but I never memorized that plan.  So, I had to look it up on the internet. Here's the plan of Salvation - Romans 1:20-21: "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became...

Gideon's Army, Discernment Ministries and the Coming of Jesus Christ

The story of Gideon is found in the Book of Judges, chapters 6-8.  Gideon lived between the time spanning the death of Joshua and the beginning of kings in Israel.  The people were supposed to follow God but they followed the idols of the land God had given them.  God used the surrounding peoples to bring discipline and judgment to His people Israel.  God then used the judges to rescue them. When Gideon's time came to be the designated rescuer and judge of Israel an angel of the Lord came and sat under and oak in Ophrah by the winepress where Gideon and his father threshed their wheat. It should be noted that Gideon's father had an altar to Baal.  Gideon's family were Baal worshippers, idolaters.  Read the account of the destruction of Baal's altar and the grove by Gideon in Judges 6:25-32. When Gideon assembled his army to fight against the Midianites he started with 32,000 men.  God purged Gideon's army two times before He was satis...