I was listening to Walid Shoebat from the Southern California Prophecy Conference 2008 on You Tube. He said something very interesting. In referring to Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Jesus is warning His disciples that they will be persecuted. Paraphrasing Walid, he stated, "if you don't have any wolves in your life then maybe you aren't sheep." So, going back to the church of Thyatira, who is going to be thrown into great tribulation? Those who commit adultery with her (Jezebel) unless they repent of their deeds. Are they literally having sex with Jezebel? Well, maybe some of those at the actual church of Thyatira were commiting adultery. What is worse sexual adultery or spiritual adultery? Both can be recovered from through repentance and a determination to not indulge in that behavior again. To me spiritual adultery is worse, because it is a betrayal of ...