
Showing posts from 2009

A Wicked Heart

It has taken me some time to write this chapter of my blog. My heart is a wicked heart and it is hard to deal with a subject that concerns yourself. My induction into the False Prophet movement was through deception but my heart is wicked all of its own accord. How can I know that? The Bible is absolutely clear on the subject -- Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" I am always astounded when I hear someone justify their behavior by saying they are not as bad as the next person. Really? Is that what you're hanging your hat on to get you to heaven? You're not as bad as the next person? I don't advise trusting in yourself to get to heaven. Or trusting that you are doing what God called you to do to get to heaven. No, there is only one way to heaven and that is the blood covered narrow way. The narrow way is covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The only way any of humanity is getting to heaven ...


I was listening to Walid Shoebat from the Southern California Prophecy Conference 2008 on You Tube. He said something very interesting. In referring to Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Jesus is warning His disciples that they will be persecuted. Paraphrasing Walid, he stated, "if you don't have any wolves in your life then maybe you aren't sheep." So, going back to the church of Thyatira, who is going to be thrown into great tribulation? Those who commit adultery with her (Jezebel) unless they repent of their deeds. Are they literally having sex with Jezebel? Well, maybe some of those at the actual church of Thyatira were commiting adultery. What is worse sexual adultery or spiritual adultery? Both can be recovered from through repentance and a determination to not indulge in that behavior again. To me spiritual adultery is worse, because it is a betrayal of ...


I have read Revelation more than any other book in the bible. I find the description of Jesus Christ in all His terrible glory almost unbearable. When I pause to think that He exchanged that Glory for complete degradation on my behalf, I weep. I do not believe that Jesus Christ struck terror into His beloved disciple, John's heart, for the sake of an allegory. I believe the message Jesus delivered to John is true. I believe the reality of those scriptures are unfolding before the eyes of all humanity. Today as I write this blog I believe the key pieces are being put rapidly into place. So, why does the behavior in the church bother me so much if I believe that the people of God are not appointed for His wrath. I have to say passages like Luke 21:34-36 give me pause for thought. Why after telling His disciples about the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, moving on to the signs that will herald His next coming, then segueing into the future restoration of Israel in the...

Basics and Resources

I think at this point it is important to clarify my beliefs. I would also like to offer resources for those who are confused, looking for the truth and just plain starving for the Word of God. Before I clarify my beliefs, I feel the necessity of demonstrating point of view. Anyone who has been trained in the criminal justice system is aware that witnesses always give varying accounts of what they observed. If there are 5 witnesses to an event, the officer recording those accounts will have 5 different accounts of the exact same event. The reasons are many - each person could have been standing in a different location and; therefore, the line of sight was different for each witness. One witness may be more attuned to sound, while another may be particularly aware of colors. It is very difficult to distinguish the details of another race and easiest to distinguish details of your own race. The list is infinite. Apply this same standard to scripture and you begin to understand why t...

Reflections Chapter 2

I met many wonderful, kind and gentle Christians at these events. I believe they are sincere in their love of Jesus. Many of them have deep holes of hurt. Some have a sincere desire to teach and share that love. Others have terrible diseases and are in desperate need of a miracle. I don't think they are blithely entering into Baal worship, or even recognize it for what it is. Growing up in the Assembly of God denomination I was made to feel that I was in constant peril of Hell. Anyone outside of our denomination was definitely Hellbound. There seemed to be much suspicion between those whose doctrine was different. Hell was a common theme growing up and the avoidance of it was the focus of my church experience. However, the pastors failed to communicate to me much hope of missing that destination. Therefore, as a mid-teen, I no longer saw the point in trying to stay out of Hell. It simply seemed impossible. God was able to reveal the Grace of Jesus Christ to me. The unmeri...

Jezebel - who made a pet of the Wolves?

No discussion of Baal worship would be complete without a discussion of Jezebel. Biblically speaking Jezebel was the biggest proponent of Baal worship. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary (1962) the following is a description of Jezebel. Jezebel (chaste), wife of Ahab king of Israel. (B.C. 883.) She was a Phoenician princess, daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians. In her hands her husband became a mere puppet. 1 Kings 21:25. The first effect of her influence was the immediate establishment of the Phoenician worship on a grand scale in the court of Ahab. At her table were supported no less than 450 prophets of Baal and 400 of Astarte. 1 Kings 16:31, 32; 18:19. The prophets of Jehovah were attacked by her orders and put to the sword. 1 Kings 18:13; 2 Kings 9:7. At last the people, at the instigation of Elijah, rose against her ministers and slaughtered them at the foot of Carmel. When she found her husband cast down by his disappointment at being thwarted by Naboth, ...

Baal-peor -- Been Trying to Open Portals Lately -- probably a bad idea.

Baal-peor, lord of the opening, how about lord of the portals? I can think of a lot of synonyms for opening - gate, door, portal. If you remember my first post the worship of this baal was licentious in nature. If you need a definition for licentious according to Webster it is as follows, licentious 1. disregarding accepted rules and standards 2. morally unrestrained, esp. in sexual activity; lascivious. I believe the first is the more correct regarding current trends in the "body of Christ," but the second is also becoming more and more common. So, technically, disregarding the accepted rules and standards usually finds a sexual breakdown right behind or co-occurring. Lord of the opening, how is that manifesting in current church trends or should I say ministry trends? Right along with the craze for angels is a craze to locate and open portals. Supposedly, these portals are pathways to God. I have heard of a ministry that sent a team to Stonehenge at the same t...

Baal-zebub "lord of those that fly" - so which Angels are Flying in and out of Your Llife?

Baal-zebub (lord of the fly) or as Tom Horn cited, "lord of those that fly." How did that Baal invade my life? How did I give way to invite those that fly to access my being? Are you crazy for angels? Why? Where are the instructions in the bible for initiating direct contact with angels? Honestly, I don't recall any. But I do remember Galatians 1:6-8 (NKJ) I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. I shudder to think how easily I turned away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. The one who bled and died for me to go chasing after angelic encounters. It seems to be a craze across much of the charismatic church -- if you praise God long enough, if you dance longe enough, if...


I often reflect back to that time when I was lead off into Baal worship. I didn't say one day "I think I'll covenant with Baal and forget God." I was just seduced. There has been so much confusion in Christendom for decades. The frustration of trying to find a place to fit was probably a driving force. Church after church left much to be desired and if we were lucky to find a church then some action would cause us to have to look for another. Usually, a transfer to another city or circumstances that made the drive too far. I hadn't watched Christian television for years. Probably since the 80's. Then through a series of events I found myself watching Christian television once again. I have to say that was a huge mistake. It's where I found many of the ministries I began to partner with. I connected to these various "men of God" I begin to introduce others to these ministries, buy their books, get their CDs, sign up for their training classe...

Baal-berith - Are You Covenanting with True Christian Ministries or the Devil in Diguise?

How did the definitions of Baal translate into my Christian life? I am no intellectual nor scholar. I am just curious. And like the old adage "Curiosity killed the cat!" without discernment it almost killed me (spiritually speaking). Baal-berith the covenant Baal, how on earth did I manage to hook up with him? How many of you are guilty of signing documents that you did not read thoroughly? I am. I always start out with good intentions, but by the second page of legalease, I'm bored and ready just to sign anything to put myself out of the misery of reading it all. I entered into covenant with strange ministries by committing to support them. I didn't really analyze their mission statements in light of God's Word to prove that they were worthy of my support. According to Matthew 25:14-30 in the Parable of the Talents, I'm going to have to give an accounting for what I did and how I used what God gave into my hands. I do not relish that day but, anticipate it ...

A Paradox

Paradox - a statement that seems contradictory, absurd, etc. but may be true in fact, 2 a statement that contradicts itself and is false 3 a person, situation, etc. that seems inconsistent or full of contradictions --Webster's definitions. How can a Christian also be a Baal Worshipper? Hosea 4:6 NKJV My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And the rest of that verse continues, Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. That's what led me into Baal Worship. I just sort of fell into it because, quite frankly, I didn't know what Baal Worship was/is. It is a journey I recently started. And so I want to share my journey. I hope that it will bless you. I hope that it will open your eyes to the truth of God's Word. I hope that if you too have inadvertently fallen into Baal worship the information you find here will help you. I hope i...